Debunking more “disturbing” ghost videos

Spread The Viralist

Well, its time to once again dive into the weird, wild world of blatantly fake ghost videos! Wait until you see the one with the baby, your mind will be blown… pinky promise…

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About the Author: John Wolfe


  1. You're giving that guy too much credit, he knew where the camera was and pushed that roll off screen and ran in front of it. If the floor was gravel I would be more incline in believing it was kinda real.

  2. Holy shit I remember this "Kamilka" video
    First off – Why does narrator reads her name as Kinoko or something xD
    Second – This was a real police intervention – no cannibals or nothing – and this fucking police idiots ASSUMED she was literally possessed during a REAL intervention. That's just sad they didn't even thought about the possibility that she was mentally ill and just decided to get the girl ostracised from local community by calling her "possessed" (especially in small towns and villages this claim can have really dire consequences for weak people)
    The real thing was absolutely disgusting and now some fucking yankee tries to sell some shit about cannibals. Fucking unbelievable

  3. My dads super into the paranormal. If i tell him i dont believe he will be actually insulted because he cant commune with spirits or whtwvr. I was young, he puts flashlight in garage turns it off and ask. Unlce greg are you here? Bam flashlight turns on, im young, im running away. Im 28 now and idk what happened, but i believe nor fear the "spirits" or "demons"

  4. Haha baby doing strange shit for a hour and mum leaves her baby in there with the creepy ghost I had a video of me playing guitar I make the joke something didn’t like my playing. And you’d love it it’s pushed off screen and stays off screen. Lol. I never put shit on the edge of anywhere and up on my cabinet I had a new big full bottle of vape juice on there you know the ones that are like 7 inch tall be 3,5 inch wide so it wasn’t light. And that thing flow off and landed at my feet and I keep playing looking to see what it was. But I played it cool not saying it’s a ghost but it did freak me out a little lol. Had few strange things actually lol dreamt I was asking a light that came from everywhere to not judge my ex for being pretty shitty person she’s ruled by booze and can’t help it, woke up finding it strange then had my mother walk out and tell me after waking up she passed out that night she wasn’t even 30. Which deffo made me question a lot freaked me out for months. I don’t know what that shot was. I deleted my fb account so I no longer have the video of the vape juice thing. And i agree can’t stand people making this shit up like that especially at the expense of someone’s loss. It’s out right disgusting. I’ve never been able to explain the things but I never reach for super natural if I’d need to deplete all other answers. 😂 I used to get sleep paralysis when sleeping in one room never had it before or since. Had my name called by my mum as clear as day and no one else was home. Sitting at the end of garden on my own. I’m looking through kitchen window and see a thick black shadow pass by the front door I had time to blink and no one was in. Get nightmares a lot and parts of them have came true a few times. Was sitting with my puppy on my bed he’s asleep and suddenly yelps looking back at me like I’d done something like poke him with a needle or some shot and run off yelping. So I have had my fair share of trippy shit but I have thought about trying ghost hunting but haven’t coz it would be boring I’m to honest for the fake shit. And love watching you debunk this shit. You are unique to as you debunk in a entertaining way. It’s to funny.

  5. Been a viewer of this channel for 2 years now. I do in fact, watch alone, despite his warning.. in my farmhouse from the 1800s, in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere. Refreshing / enjoyable to see someone have the same opinion as me about these videos, unlike the comment section, which is filled with a bunch of.. well.. not the brightest people. "Viewers believe it was something.. paranormal" ofc they do! They'll believe anything! I get wanting to believe, but ffs..

  6. The first question debunking these should be was the video being recorded in a natural setting .

    Example: Why was the bilingual family woken up over night filming? Who wakes up to a possible intruder and is like " we should record! " . Its not natural. 99% debunked right there.

  7. Nuke was fun for a while, but now it's just cringe. At this point he's doing what every other paranormal channel inevitably does; which is churning out cheap content to keep the revenue going, thus suffering the "Chills" effect. And he knows it too, considering he's milking the heck outta his merchandise as much as he can before all the ten year olds lose interest and move onto another channel.

  8. I don't get it….why is it every video it's just some goofball stumbling around in the dark? Do your lights not work? Do you know if someone has actually broken into your house? Or do you know for a fact no one has broken into your house and all of this is fake? Lol

  9. We fired our maid and now there are maggots everywhere! I don't think the maid cursed your home I think you're just disgusting people that don't clean up.

  10. 34:28 Hey man leave me alone I wanna believe in this stuff because I’ve had somethings happen to me that I can’t explain and I know what it sounds like but I am a skeptic maybe it was just me wanting to hear something idk but I wanna sit in my make believe world and have some decent horror fun in a time where that’s relatively dry in the horror industry

  11. When in low light conditions the cameras have a longer exposure time resulting in blurry footage. This can also make security footage of people walking down the street look like blurry, near transparent "ghosts".

  12. The first one seems like the guy who passed was well respected and helped out everyone so to like maybe keep his memory alive or legacy of sorts they made up this story about his ghost still helping out Idk just a theory why they would make it up but that’s in good faith they aren’t doing it for clout

  13. The thing that gets me about EVERY. SINGLE. VIDEO. where some object is affected by a ghost, it always conforms to natural physics. It's always something slide, rolling, or falling. Nothing levitates, or melts, or bursts into flames, or phases through another object. Nothing that couldn't be replicated by human interaction.

  14. 7:28 that’s just me and my bestie smoking a blunt in the woods when we got caught by some weirdo and we had to stand still and pretend to be trees until he left

  15. 1. I will be the dumbass ghost to show up to work after I've died, I just know it.
    2. The family in the apartment has mice/rats/raccoons.
    3. The guy talking to himself looks to be haunted by the Heroin Ghost of Victoria BC, which I see many people here haunted by/talking to all damn day

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