A camera mounted to a hiker’s head captured the moments when torrential rainfall began in Utah’s Zion National Park, triggering flash flooding that killed seven people, six of them from Southern California. Subscribe to CBS Los Angeles for more updates now: http://www.youtube.com/CBSLA
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He over reacted, the hiking victims were in a narrow canyon bottom! He is on a trail that gas plenty of spots to wait out the storm!
What a complete shock that this so called hiker is clueless
he was desperately rushing to lower ground to capture some flash flood footage
BS "there was no warning". If you track weather reports and keep your head up, you'll know it's a sketchy day and abandon some kinds of hikes. I remember hiking Lembert Dome in Yosemite which is a fairly easy hike, just one scramble-steep section at top but not terribly bad. Still, the weather could make it a killer. I remember seeing some thunder heads forming in updrafts towards the central valley and quickly getting out of there, but I still saw hikers going up even as the rain started hitting. I told them there was likely to be lightning, but they kept going. Nothing happened, but it was certainly not the time to be heading up to an exposed dome.
Why the F would you go DOWN. I have been in weather like that and I always headed for the high ground, taught my kids the same. Even in the desert miles from the rain event you can hear the water coming down the wash before you see it and have time to get to safety.
The canyon is made by flash floods
Click bait – nothing I saw was harrowing, just a guy who was far above the deadly flash flood.
They like this and live for this
NOT “Zy-onn!”
I actually think staying put and holding onto a tree away from the waterfalls would have been a better idea than running down a hill in the rain.
I once experienced heavy rain on a mountainside too. Still feel lucky to be alive.
This idiot was in more at risk from falling while running on a slick surface than from a flash flood.
It's gonna flood.. 😂
You're up a mountain mate
He needs to read the childrens book Henny Penny- the sky is falling 😅
Interesting Lee enough there's Doppler radar everyone knew that there was a chance of that storm coming but they took that chance and wanted to be in that storm possibly.
Where is the threatening water? I can't see it
What a total dumbass
Check the weather simple damn
The blind leading the blind!
when the youtube comment section is smarter than mainstream news outlet
Wouldn’t you want to go up?
A flash flood from the west rim trail? Lol, no.
Wow what an bunch of clueless idiots. The guy recording and the news reporter should be ashamed of themselves.
Fuck everybody else I’m not waiting for you. I’m telling you what’s up as I go by, the rest is on you
At that point you almost need to go up.
Seek LOWER ground during a flood????
On the side of a mountain worried about flood waters. Ummm. Find a dry spot stay out of the rapids
buddy was fine he was on the trail this is a shit video
My gosh this is so stupid. This guy and the canyoneering group are completely unrelated. Anyone in a slot canyon could be in trouble on a day like this. This guy was in no danger as it will not flash flood there, but even if it did, you can see in the video there’s plenty of high ground. He could have just stepped off the trail. Perfect example of news media sensationalizing nothing.