Idiots In Cars Caught On Dashcam #5
This meticulously compiled footage is an authoritative educational guide to prevent future incidents. The video’s primary objective is to raise awareness and learn from others’ driving mistakes. Rest assured that the lessons provided will serve as a beacon of knowledge, guiding our audience to make prudent decisions while driving.
Insane cars fails and idiot drivers, idiots in cars & crash compilation.
We are always impressed with the incredible moments when idiots in cars and breaks down. What are you waiting for from idiots in cars compilation? Guess what idiots in cars surprises we’ll have caught in the dashcam? Let’s get started!
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Idiots In Cars 2023: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HniCZ7flRM
INSTANT KARMA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VLGCsna23A
TOTAL IDIOTS AT WORK 2023: https://youtu.be/JE0AIlqGOIE
Supercar Fails & Crashes Make You Scream: https://youtu.be/vAcO3dwaIp0
This video is researched by Rosetta B. Doyle
Geo coordinates 35.404159, -119.452888
Mother’s maiden name Cary
Birthday: 1968-11-12 Age 54 years old
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Idiots In Cars Caught On Dashcam #5
8:00 I love how she waddles out and tries to blame others for her own wrongdoing. idiots in cars
3:05 The truck is already missing some of all of the front bumper, why not finish it off? idiots in cars
For a lot of people that dont believe in JESUS, they sure use his name a lot idiots in cars
6:47 There is still enough space to get through. ️ idiots in cars
15:57 I appreciate the humility of whoever sent in this video of themselves being an idiot in a car instead of someone else on the road lol First time Ive seen that idiots in cars
When the road is slick (rain, snow, or ice) utilize the brake as little as possible. I once saw a car flip over on ice that was probably going under 30mph because the driver panicked and slammed on her brakes. idiots in cars
I often watch german dashcams. We can drive 200 and more legally, everytime i See something risky i get angry… and than i watch americans driving… and just beeing happy… germans are just racers… but at least they can drive idiots in cars
1:34 pea brained woman driving WAY too quick (i`m guessing 45+mph?) in a 30mph built up area that could easily have kids about! Why she overtook and is doing that speed in that area is baffling? Runs over to assist the poor person she just nearly killed,
First one makes me livid. They hit the car and just decide to drive off. I hope that person gave the footage to the guy in the white car so he can at least get covered by insurance. idiots in cars
That truck at 3:13 had a damaged front end like it had already come from an accident. idiots in cars