Jaguar vs Giant Otter Confrontation Ends with a Fatal Head Bite| Survival Battle
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Good title only no good show
They said on sight
The Animal World is full of fascinating creatures and ecosystems.
Monkey is expert in calisthenics due to its strong arms and speed thanks to its lightweight but am surprised they can give good fight to otter
In the river not crocodile or piranha or eel the king it is jaguar,otter is strong too but very strong when in group,they’re fast but 1 on 1 with jaguar,don’t say jaguar evem crocodile can kill it
Just thought I'd let you know that your fake title page photo has a giant river otter biting the neck of a leopard, not a jaguar! These two animals live on different continents! Too bad you skipped biology class! 🤣🤣🤣
The Fight with the Monkeys was a Leopard and not a Jaguar. Jaguars don't live in Africa.
Clickbait crap
Jaguar is so good at hunting monkeys, he's almost number one
I wonder who would win? Wolverine v.s. Jaguar?
It looks like these animals are friendly with monkeys
Monky. Super hero
esse video mistura os cortes das cenas, totalmente enganoso
Thankes ❤ very goof
Cheater you think all way win no
This is a young jaguar
Another animal video with a deliberately misleading title.
The jaguar looks pregnant
Ok you got me this time !
But it will never happen again wildlife world of lies is now known for what it is a bullshit site where the headlines cannot be believed because the shit house running the channel is a liar with no honour
That video is a scam. No giant otter. B.S.
Otter has fangs too.
The monkeys saved the deer. Respect to monkeys.
You copied clips of other people's vedio.
😂nice one
Un 10 muy lindo documental saludos desde uruguay
Nice one,big boy😮
Very good view
more BS
What is (Islam ❤️) ?
Islam is the name of the religion, or more properly the ‘way of life’, which God (Allah) has revealed and which was practiced by all of the Prophets and Messengers of God that He sent to mankind. Even the name stands out unique among other
distorted religions in that it means a state of being; it does not refer to any particular person, such as Christianity, Buddhism or Zoroastrianism; a tribe like Judaism; or a nation like Hinduism. The root Arabic word from which Islam is derived implies peace, safety, salutation, protection, blamelessness, wholesomeness, submission, acceptance, surrender, and salvation. Islam specifically means being in the state of submission to God, worshipping Him Alone, and reverently accepting and obeying His Law. Through this submission, the peace, security, and wholesome well-being implied in its literal meaning is achieved. Hence, a Muslim or Muslimah is a person (male or female) in that state of submission. A person’s Islam weakens through sins, ignorance, and wrong-doing, and becomes nullified in totality by associating partners with God or disbelieving in Him.
In a group, Giant River Otters are very savage, but a lone Giant River Otter knows the Jaguar is in charge.
I mean Lions
Only Tigers and Luis eating fellow animals
Fail. Trash content and not what I was promised.