Man Plays Violin For Whale At Aquarium | People Are Awesome #shorts People are Awesome — September 30, 2023 10 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest Spread The Viralist Do you have a musical talent? #ocean #beluga #music source action sports amazing people extreme sports jukin media people are amazing people are awesome Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
That fish has the same shoes as the violin guy. 😮
the belugas were probably thought that the man was singing 😅
The way the violinist’s reflection hits the tank makes it look as though the whale has legs!
mans looked at us at the end like "ya'll see this dude"
Damn that's my local aquarium
Mystic ct
Welcome to another case of real recogniz real
Love the look at the end. I could watch this for ages
Really neat playing and funny how the whale looked at the cam