Welcome to a very special episode of The Just Dumb Enough Podcast!
The show is officially 2 years old as of today.
So, I figured a great was to celebrate how far we’ve come is to compile some clips of the guests we’ve heard from over the last two years. But these weren’t picked at random, they are the top 10 most downloaded and streamed episodes from the first two years.
I will note that the competition was very tight between the top ten with only a couple dozen streams separating #1 and #10. Also this is not a list of my favorite episodes, but those which are the most popular within the general listenership, across all platforms.
I do apologize if some of this compilation has sharp cuts between clips, but I’ve never done this before! It’s also just littered with teasers to draw in new audience. But without further ado, let’s get this compilation rolling with the number one episode
#1 Kindergarten Teacher with Natalie Parmenter: I’m not sure if it’s because this is an education episode on an education podcast, or just general interest, but the Primary Focus host really killed this interview.
#2 Dieting Correctly with Amy Fox: It should come as no surprise that so many of us want to succeed with diets, but my expert really came from a neutral position and blew me away with her simple tips.
#3 Working Dogs with Bob Bryant: This wasn’t a cheery episode, but the information about how mistreated and mishandled these Working Dogs are is still really important.
#4 Dental Hygiene with Traci Petry: I might be a little partial, but this will always be one of my favorite guests. She’s just such a wonderful and kind lady… also she’s my mom. Plus, she gave so much insight on a highly desired job, which was an original intent behind the podcast.
#5 Psychedelic Medicines with Jonathan de Potter: I was worried that the audience who shows up for very professional topics might not receive the topic of drugs particularly well, but it’s place in the top 10 shows that there is a broad interest to learn and grow amongst the audience, despite the perception of any given topic.
#6 Modern Caveman Brains with Dr. Betsy Holmberg: Psychology will never not be fascinating to me, and the thought that an outdated brain process might lead to our early deaths earned it’s spot on the community’s list.
#7 The JFK Assassination with KW Zachary & Sara Peterson: While usually I shoot for the highest audio quality, I love that this true crime slash conspiracy episode has that very on brand audio like I was taking a call from a safehouse.
#8 Blindness with Kevin Lowe: With such a warm personality and a great show of his own, this whole interview was either educational, surprising, emotional or all of the above.
#9 Near Death Experiences with Chris Jankulovski: For a man who has always been on the verge of death, Chris doesn’t let it slow him down. And his willingness to push forward carries a lot of lessons. It was honestly hard to cut this one down for the compilation because it’s all so compelling!
#10 Reframing Discrimination with Dr. Frank Douglas: I’m a bit surprised to see this recent episode competing so well with others that had more time, but I’m also glad to see that people are coming to the show for information about key issues in society.
And that’s the whole top 10 most downloaded!
What do you think? Did your favorite make the list? Did you find a new episode to listen to that you previously skipped? Can you believe it’s been two years already?
Time sure does fly working on this show, and I know I couldn’t have done it without the amazing listeners that make up this audience. I’m so grateful for each and every one of you who tune in, laugh, learn, and embrace the dumbness.
As far as this episode goes, it was very interesting to put together, and it’s something I’d be willing to do more of if you all enjoyed it. Leave a comment to let me know!
Also, let me know what’s on your mind by emailing: DumbEnoughPodcast@Gmail.Com or sending a message to any of the social media pages on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or wherever else!
I’d also love to have more listeners on the show if you’ve got a job, hobbies, or lifestyle that you love to talk about!
Anyway, as we look ahead to year three, you can expect even more dumb questions, laughter, tears, and maybe a few surprises along the way.
So stay tuned, and Stay Dumb!
#podcast #compilation #education #top10 #jdep