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About the Author: R9PHS


  1. My friend was being harassed to give her ocean knife in mm2 for free and he said “if you don’t give it I’ll leak ur age” and stuff like “give it now btc” (btc means b#tch) and all I said was “leave her alone” AND I GOT BANNED

  2. Me and my bestie getting banned for 1 day because of copying someone saying swearing words and not being censored and then it gets censored for us 👁️👄👁️


    one day i try to make gamepass tshirt and i name the t shirt"buy this beautiful t shirt"and the next day i seen i got banned fpr 1day and i look at the reson and it said "buy this beautiful t shirt"and i wqs so shock

  4. Olá! Como foi o seu dia? Espero que tenha sido ótimo! Este é um moderador do Roblox, isto é para confirmação de que o Roblox não está usando Bots! ⚠️Cuidado: Alguns moderadores estão abusando de seus direitos. Sinto muito por qualquer inconveniente! Você pode ou não, acredite em mim, você também não tem, pois eu já sei o que sou.⚠️
    – Equipe Roblox./Hello! How was your day? I hope it was great! This is a Moderator Of Roblox, This is for Confirmation that Roblox is not using Bots! ⚠️Caution Some Moderators are Abusing their Rights, Im fully sorry for any Inconvenience! You May or May not Believe me you Dont have too as I already Know what I am.⚠️
    – Roblox Team.

  5. Heres how i got banned for 1 day,

    so i was in strongest battle grounds minding my own buissness when my online friend was being rude, idk if she was joking or smth but anyways she keeps saying "ez, no diff" and that i said was ONLY A JOKE i said "lol sthu" she was also saying lol 2 when she left the game another blondie girl was attacking a player i acciedentaly hitted her and said "sorry" JUST FOR SAYING SORRY MTF?

  6. banned for 1 days
    reason:sexual words. harasment
    offensive item:are you gay

    bro i asked a simple question and roblox banned me

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