50 MOST DISTURBING Moments Caught On Camera Vol. 11

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50 MOST DISTURBING Moments Caught On Camera Vol. 11

In this video, we’re sharing the 30 most Disturbing Things Caught on Camera. From creepy clowns to angry animals, these creepy moments will make your skin crawl!

If you’re looking for some truly shocking and creepy moments caught on camera, then look no further! Watch as these horror stories unfold and see for yourself just how spook-tacular some of the most shocking moments can be!

My Other Videos:
30 Creepy Stalkers Caught on Camera: https://youtu.be/uo512aTZD-w



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About the Author: Creep Caught


  1. When my daughter was about 4 yrs old, she was staying the night at her grandma, my mother. one night.
    The two of us arrived around 3pm at my momā€™s place, an apartment at the 7th floor, with a large balcony.
    Because my daughter liked spending the night at her grandma, my mother had turned one of the rooms in her house into a bedroom for her granddaughter, with lots of toys, a tiny desk and chair so my girl could draw and play there and of course a bed. The walls, as well as the sheeting on the bed, were painted (or wallpapered, not sure anymore) in beautiful bright primary colors and my daughter absolutely loved her own room in grannyā€™s house!

    Until that one day!
    Out of nowhere my babygirl went into a sort of panic and refused to sleep in her own bedroom at Grannyā€™s!
    She was ABSOLUTELY ADAMANT that there was a GIANT standing outside of the window of her room !
    Since the roller blind in her room was closed at that time, I opened it up in order to comfort my daughter and show her that there was nothing thereā€¦
    Did not work.
    I walked to the balcony door with her and we both went outside.
    Even though she saw that there definitely wasnā€™t a giant standing there, she still refused to sleep in that room.

    And she held on to her conviction that there was a giant standing outside her window never went away.
    My mother made her a simple bed next to her own bed in my momā€™s bedroom and from then on my daughter would sleep there whenever she had a sleepover at grandma.

    Years and years later I happen to walk by that room my daughter used to sleep in.
    It was about 5pm and the sun was really low.
    AND SUDDENLY I saw EXACTLY what had scared my daughter all those years before!
    And I TOTALLY understood WHY she was so absolute certain that there REALLY was a GIANT outside of her window.


    But the giant of course was not a real giantā€¦. It was the parasol (sun-umbrella) that was on the balcony!
    This was a pretty big thing and to prevent the wind from opening the thing, there was a rope around it, a little over halfway this parasol.
    And with the roller blind closed and the sun at exactly the right angle, the SHADOW of this parasol, with a waist and all (because of that rope) it truly looked as if there was a GIANT PERSON standing on the other side of the roller blind!!

    So I finally understood that the giant was NOT a fantasy, made up by my (then) little girlā€¦. It was something she ABSOLUTELY HAD SEEN WITH HER OWN EYES!!
    And of course my words of comfort and explanation did not help her get rid of her fear!
    Because she SAW it.
    When I told her about it (she was about 17/18 by then) we both looked again at about the same time later that week, she acknowledged that that indeed was the shadowy giant that she had seen when she was a toddler!
    We had a good laugh about and I was actually quite happy to have found the cause of her fear, even though it was years later!!!

    That was ONE MYSTERY SOLVED!!!!!!!!!!

  2. What's so frightening about the final one, the one with the snakes?
    Seen people encounter much more dangerous objects.
    Steve Irwin ( the crocodile man) came across so many dangerous animals and, he was always smiling.

  3. you absolutely ruin every video by talking and explaining everything to us like its a Scooby doo cartoon like we wont understand whats going on unless its explained to us. later.

  4. I do believe angel's come to get you when you pass no one stay here evil spirits are here or ghost and demons walk this earth šŸŒ to torment people if you let them buy with god you have power over them they can't hurt you like 10 and 19 says you have the power though god over them.never be afraid peace love joy is yours if you want it.

  5. Don't believe people Spirit stay here they go back to the one who give them life in the first place there are evil spirits here on earth from the devil and his worker's they are demons here people believe what ever they like there are good and evil god and a devil for real if you see spirit here they are real.god cast them out of heave they walk the earth sorry got carry away it's up to you to believe.just saying

  6. When the ugly church people were singing and they had their Bible I'm doing witchcraft and ceremonies. The Bible is a Ouija board. You allow demons to come to your home or the place you worship. If that was a church then that would be the big fat demons that rule that church. And that will be their Guardian Angel the demon

  7. Omg I really love your content its the best compilation here on YouTube and lots of them I haven't seen before … thank you and keep up the great work its awesome …

  8. The "Dark " shadow must be from the religious cl*wn fleeing from the noise and constant begging for :
    Better life
    Breding healthy large litters
    Lottery jackpots
    Many lovers
    Beautiful girl/ boyfriend
    Fancy car
    Fancy house
    by the usual religious suspects .

  9. Tourists really are embarrassing when they scream because an elephant is running in their general direction šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ¤­šŸ˜¬.

  10. Even dilapidated buildings or homes have better stairways than l ever got from SunGlo Fire Restoration after they demolished my mid century house due to a kitchen fire! Jerks, one and all, especially Pat N.šŸ˜¤

  11. Alligator trapped in house by door. Smartest thing to do is go outside and open the door to let the alligator out. What do the police do? Not the smart thing.

  12. As far as Zoe and his owner I donā€™t know if they live there anymore or watt. I donā€™t know how long ago this was, but I believe the picture thatā€™s over behind the table I spot it and itā€™s not on my phone I mean itā€™s actually on the film that you film of Zoe Three white lights right at the bottom of the animals foot in the picture youā€™ll have to look real good, but I believe thatā€™s what Zoe is saying so you might want to check it out. Iā€™m not joking I see three white lights thereā€™s like shit it looks like almost like a smile. Itā€™s a smiley face with a without a smile. Itā€™s too late at the bar at the top skews me not the bottom, but at the top and then thereā€™s one right below in the middle, where a nose would be as far as the rest of the film thatā€™s all I can see that in that picture right below I mean itā€™s in the picture but itā€™s at the bottom of the feet. If thatā€™s a dog thatā€™s where the lights will be you might want to check it out. OK I just looked back at it the field and right at the bottom of the black suit thatā€™s on the gentleman in the photo is three lights one for an eye, the other one for an eye and another one for a nose but thereā€™s nothing mouth about it. Itā€™s just three lights so we might be barking at that I donā€™t know but thatā€™s what I spotted in the film you might want to check it out.

  13. I honestly don't get , he's just a person who gets less and less attractive (to me) with every conceded video he puts out there.
    My advice would be for you to eat a slice of humble pie and go back to college. Focus more on helping others instead of your vanity. šŸ˜Š

  14. With the hearing range dogs have it could be as simple as another dog making noises that are carrying through the shared air vent system.something similar happened to a friend of mine with his cat, it kept staring at the same spot high up on wall over his chair. He got so frustrated with the cats antics every time he sat down that he punched a whole in the wall where the cat was looking. About 20 seconds later a šŸ¦ stuck its head through the hole.šŸ˜Š

  15. Louis look like he was barking at a black and white cat on the second shelf in the closet not at The cutting board you can see the black tail on the second shelf hanging down a little bit it's just not moving which made it easy for this video the lady with the bears is clearly in their territory she's standing there they come over she stays standing there with the camera and says they are too curious šŸ§ I think it's the other way around you're in their territory you didn't leave having the catch everything on a camera that makes you too curious and you found out what happens I don't know why you needed to find out it's well-known….. Bottom line, believe half of what you see and none of what you hear especially today with all the cameras and trickery. I can't continue to watch these stupid videos that are clearly fake or just taken out of context

  16. Most of the dogs are, most likely, responding to rodents in the walls. The last one is squatters who don't care about disturbing normal citizens.

  17. Doing guard work and doing rounds you see two kids and think nothing but talk and give them balloons during grave yard shift! Gtfo! šŸ˜‚

  18. 22:11 why is the doctor moaning and sounds like their doing something and y'all no what just listen turn the volume up you can hear him moaning they wasn't a ghost sounds like he's getting sucked up or is it me just listen to

  19. The video where the dog is barking at something in the kitchen bothers me. Cuz i can clearly hear the dog barking but the growling sound is absolutely NOT coming from him. How the frick is he able to bark n growl at the same time?

  20. 11:14
    dogs can definitely see things that we canā€™t see and they can sense things that we canā€™t sense of experience this many times also, a lot of those apparitions are demonic meant to take your eyes off God in the Bible that Saint comes as a spirit of light vaccine. what is the most beautiful angel there ever was and he was full of light 12:09

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