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About the Author: JRE Clips


  1. When I died(Came to at the hospital, was DOA), I woke up angry. Never knew why I was so angry, my life was great up until that point. All I remember from it was coming to, being angry, and in pain. It was peaceful, no worries. Honestly, I haven't been happy since I woke up in the hospital. Wasn't spiritual or anyhing, in my case. Just ruined my life. Oh, I'm fine now, if you're curious. Just some scars, but am miserable. I'm still angry.

  2. July 11th 2021 my father passed, after a sudden and violent battle with both Lung and Liver Cancer. As a father who had just had a daughter born less than a year before this spun my whole world upside down. This passed February I decided to do Mushrooms with my Younger brother since it was the first time we had seen each other since before dad passed. I ended up collapsing and smacking my head off of furniture. I was legally dead for a little under a minute before I was brought back. It's exactly what Kevin described here. It's nothing, but not a sense we can understand while conscious. The closest you'll ever come is a great nights sleep. You don't have worries. You don't have concerns. I felt no pain. No longing. No loneliness. In fact the only reason I can describe any of this to you, is because I'm trying to relay it through comparison of things we experience 'alive.' Recently I suddenly became stricken down with fear and panic because all I could think about suddenly was death. What am I leaving behind? Are things going to be ok? And the truth is, when the time comes as much as we fight it. You won't care once it's over. I've been clawing my way through the net searching for every which way and avenue that could help my anxiety. And nothing helped until this. This gave me connection. This opened my eyes to the truth I experienced. I'm not afraid any longer. Make the most of life in the moment. You won't care when it's over, that's a promise.

  3. Crazy my mom had a similar story during her back surgery..She said she woke up kinda floating next to her bed looking down seeing her hands folded over each other like they do after a surgery…She could see ppl coming in and out and talking and then eventually woke up…What was crazy is the things she over heard the nurses and doctor talking about she questioned them about ya know thinking she dreamed the whole thing and she was right about 98% of it..She actually became pretty close friends with her doctor after that him always prodding her about the incident sort of researching into the incident further and he truly believed what she said happened I do too..

  4. Joe's ability to just let guests tell their story without interjection is the single handed reason his podcast is so far above everyone else.

  5. yeah my dad got shot 3 times by a 9mm and told me he just felt safe. as if the end is almost welcoming and you accept it and it feels comforting to an extent. crazy stuff.

  6. Smith has reached the conclusion that is took Emperor Marcus Aurelius a lifetime of stoic meditation to contemplate. The cosmos works in n mysterious ways


  8. you really want to know what the secret of Life* and death really is?… and you'll be surprised for it was standing in front of U your whole life* and didn't even see it . ( Mirror metaphor* ) Life and death are both intertwined being born is as natural as dying! the only difference is it's takes years [as we grow up] for our brains to Understand accept and make peace with own brief existence ! will leave you with this quote: a Man with Christ in his or her heart > soul * will never truly die! look up into the sky what do you see! …stars and planets the are born then die and out of that very same cosmic dust everything all constellations nebulae are reborn! … you and i we are born/ die only to live again! for we too are part of the same cosmic dust! "my brothers and sisters do Not trouble your souls with what is inevitable take solace in knowing only the body dies! but your spirit lives forever! in the Creator's grace.

  9. The Truth The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth

    I have been doing my work for a long time, and in that time, I believe that if you have been lucky enough to be on the other side and still return, then you must be the luckiest person in the world.

    As for my experience, I don't tell many people about it. I am waiting for the right person to tell my story . You have to have that experience to be able to explain it, not only that. If you have been that far and come back, you don't normally come back empty-handed. You are sent back for a reason.

    I didn't understand my reasons for at least a couple of years until one day. I was writing a shopping list. I closed my eyes for a second. I looked back down to the kitchen bench where 5 to 7 sheets of paper were scribbled on.

    That was the first story and the first spirit that ever came to me to show me how to connect to their memories, know I can see them hear him, and be with him.

    I have filled 20 books with their stories and won three awards in America. And now I have fulfilled the promise I gave when I came back from the dead truth.

    That is one of my gifts from the other side, and as I said, I do not know anyone that can write books through storytelling from the other side.

  10. Everytime im faced with something difficult and/or life threatening to me or someone i love, i will find this video and fix it. I love Kevin Smith.

  11. Thank you Kevin Smith. i love this, I don't really care about death per say, but I hate the fact I fucked my body up already at 26 homeless half my life drinking a half gallon of vodka a day for 5 years, liver damage, stomach hernia, GERD, schizoaffective, panic attacks, anxiety, like no one knows how I feel, I can't even WORK like I want to but I never know if I'll wake up throwing up or being totally okay, and I take adderall in the morning and xanax in the morning and night, 1mg each time, and also take Lunesta to sleep but I stay awake for 2-3 days at a time, my eyes are baggy, dark, dead, ODed 27 times when i was shooting dope and when i look in the mirror sometimes (I'm not even lying about this) one of my eyes will be completely gray, no pupil, then I'll be like wtf and grab my phone and my eye will go back to normal, like half of me is a spirit lost in the unknown, and I actually was able to take ONE pic when my eye did that in the mirror, but anyways, I also have seizures from lack of sleep and stress according to the hospital doctor so I have to be on seizure meds (keppra) twice a day, take omeprazole 40mg for my stomach acid but it doesn't stop the occasional morning anxiety vomiting, i have like 3 people in my family that i talk to that are alive and feel doomed…sometimes the throwing up and sweating and anxiety makes me freak out in front of my bad cause it feels so horrible, I can't even go to a hospital if I'm sick because the other 2 hospitals near where I live were shut down and the last time I went to the hospital by ambulance, it was packed and they just put me in the waiting room and I sat there for literally 26 hours, I had security waking me up cause I was passed out on the chair (without my meds with me cause i figured the hospital would help me), and the security cop was like "You been here THAT long?!", Tried to get me in faster but it was always "just 10-20 more minutes they'll get you in" I had to take the bus home cause I was almost seizing in the waiting room, this ladys baby had a fever of like 104 that came in way after me and had to sit there for hours and she had to go OFF on them so her child wouldn't die. Like it was horrible. I took the bus home and my friends drove me to a hospital an hour away the next day and the doctor said I had a fatty liver and a stomach hernia and I stopped drinking any hard alcohol and have been trying to detox my liver and my cholesterol was 300 which wasnt good and I haven't been eating shit besides fruit and salad mostly or just not eating at all and drinking water, never drink soda, always water or juice, I've been scared for my life cause if something goes wrong i can't even go to the hospital anymore, the one where i waited forever literally had like 50 people in the waiting room, this ladys mom was like dying and needing oxygen tanks back to back, im just thinking like what is this world coming to these days? I do photography, music production, music videos, ghostwrite lyrics, etc on my own time cause I can't work a scheduled job but its not paying well and social security takes like a year to get, i figure ill be dead by then.

  12. My mama died and one of my sisters died, im watching my dad die while helping him maintain, i swear i feel my soul burning everyday when i wake up, i pray, but it doesn't stop, demonic thoughts, 26 years old and been homeless half my life. Thats why I'm so terrified of dying.

  13. My dad died last year from undiagnosed acute myeloid leukemia! The day before he died he relaxed looked calm and not in pain and he just said "I feel relaxed" my dad never relaxed

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