Psychic medium Matt Fraser from “Meet The Frasers” stops by “The Kelly Clarkson Show” to prove to Kelly that he can, in fact, see dead people. As Matt surveys the audience, he connects with a woman’s mother who departed and hopes to connect with her daughter from the afterlife. Stay tuned for the full episode coming soon.
#KellyClarksonShow #MattFraser
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she suffered, most people suffer
The Spanx community is definitely "underground" or in other words "in the closet!"
Kelly Clarkson like many others believe everything they’re told. No logic, no research and no skepticism. She’s not the only person fooled by this guy.
Nonsense. Fake
My mom & dad died when I was 4 months old. I want to know is they alright & with me spiritually.
Would this man, do a reading for me, pethaps even a live reading on your show.??? ✝️
My nephew and I for fun want to see a psychic. We are both the most skeptical people
It’s unbelievable when the host has her period an comes to work to talk about so called real strait mediums that are gay asf…
After my grandmother died, I began to visit one of her oldest friends who was living in a government-subsidized apartment (I'm from South Africa) within walking distance of my parents house. Her name was Mrs. Fernhead, and she was one of the sweetest, warmest, and most benevolent old women I've ever met, someone who never had a bad word to say about anyone. Her family had lost interest in her, and while I first visited her out of a sense of obligation and pity, our relationship soon became one of mutual respect, and I would look forward to our time together. Unfortunately, she began to slip into dementia, and with it came an intense fear of death and obsessive worry that she would not see her loved ones in the afterlife. I'm an atheist, but I tried to convince her that she would be reunited with them after she had passed away. I learned that she had been seeing a "psychic" in an effort to make certain that she would see her family again and that she'd been spending what little money she had on this charlatan. When she fell ill, it was left to me to arrange appointments with the doctor and to try to find her a place in hospice. By now, she had spent almost everything she had, and I was taking her food and paying for her medicine. She would not stop seeing the fraudster who had fleeced her, and it came to my attention that she had sold her family heirlooms as well as her wedding ring and what little jewelry she had so she could keep making payments to the con artist who had left her destitute. She would still have days where she was fairly lucid, and she finally realized she'd been taken advantage of and was consumed by feelings of guilt and self-recrimination. She died penniless and ashamed, and right at the end, she was utterly confused as to where her prized possessions had gone. To this day, I wish I had done something more, but she was in this woman's thrall to the point where she'd listen to no one else.
When people tell me that dealing with so-called psychics, clairvoyants, astrologers, telepaths, and scammers purporting to have telekinetic abilities is just a 'bit of fun' it makes my blood boil. They are inveterate liars and, in many cases, little more than sociopaths—every last one of them—who prey on the ignorant, desperate and gullible using a combination of hot and cold reading which most people are unfamiliar with. There is no credible evidence that what they do works any better than chance and the methods they use can be duplicated by any competent stage magician, as James Randi demonstrated decade after decade.
If you haven't run out of patience have a look at this:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFyCJU3AFSA
Please excuse the long rant.
After my grandmother died, I began to visit one of her oldest friends who was living in a government-subsidized apartment (I'm from South Africa) within walking distance of my parents house. Her name was Mrs. Fernhead, and she was one of the sweetest, warmest, and most benevolent old women I've ever met, someone who never had a bad word to say about anyone. Her family had lost interest in her, and while I first visited her out of a sense of obligation and pity, our relationship soon became one of mutual respect, and I would look forward to our time together. Unfortunately, she began to slip into dementia, and with it came an intense fear of death and obsessive worry that she would not see her loved ones in the afterlife. I'm an atheist, but I tried to convince her that she would be reunited with them after she had passed away. I learned that she had been seeing a "psychic" in an effort to make certain that she would see her family again and that she'd been spending what little money she had on this charlatan. When she fell ill, it was left to me to arrange appointments with the doctor and to try to find her a place in hospice. By now, she had spent almost everything she had, and I was taking her food and paying for her medicine. She would not stop seeing the fraudster who had fleeced her, and it came to my attention that she had sold her family heirlooms as well as her wedding ring and what little jewelry she had so she could keep making payments to the con artist who had left her destitute. She would still have days where she was fairly lucid, and she finally realized she'd been taken advantage of and was consumed by feelings of guilt and self-recrimination. She died penniless and ashamed, and right at the end, she was utterly confused as to where her prized possessions had gone. To this day, I wish I had done something more, but she was in this woman's thrall to the point where she'd listen to no one else.
When people tell me that dealing with so-called psychics, clairvoyants, astrologers, telepaths, and scammers purporting to have telekinetic abilities is just a 'bit of fun' it makes my blood boil. They are inveterate liars and, in many cases, little more than sociopaths—every last one of them—who prey on the ignorant, desperate and gullible using a combination of hot and cold reading which most people are unfamiliar with. There is no credible evidence that what they do works any better than chance and the methods they use can be duplicated by any competent stage magician, as James Randi demonstrated decade after decade.
If you haven't run out of patience have a look at this:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFyCJU3AFSA
Please excuse the long rant.
I can tell you that Ufo phenomenon is true
I have personal stories and personal contact
with them my first experience was when i moved to Puerto Rico (Borikén) afternoon my parents divorced the second one was in Puerto Rico ( Borikén) as well two of my neighbors friends also Witness of this second Ufo encounter in this USA territory of Puerto Rico (Borikén) and last experience was a personal experience with them with the extraterrestrials in my own house, I'm also a medium psychic since i was a little girl. Extraterrestrial are humans too
an advanced human race.
Kelly's reaction to the read is what killed it for me.
Got chills in whole upper body , cold chills, when she said that was her daughter.
As a gay man, its an insult to my almost perfect gadar, that he claim to be straight when hes so obviously gayyyyy.
People say anything to make money, u cannot contact the dead.
Of course he can he has a demon
I don’t understand is their actually a crowd laughing ??
Meat canyon is gonna roast Kelly , just wait
Misleading title. All this charlatan proved is that he is DEFINITELY in the closet.
I would love to see Matt Fraser live at one of his shows . Matt is amazing .
This is a form of Witch Craft. Psychics work with The Occult which is demonic. Paul warns in Corinthians that WitchCraft and Sorcery (in the Biblical context) is forbidden and it says people who take part in it will be judged and sent to Gehenna (Lake of Fire) to be put to death.
Fake! People believing these things tells a lot about lack of science literacy!!!
Con man
Why do people give this garbage a platform? ☠️
These people are cruel
#mattfraser If you are reading this!! Any advice on seeing dead people in your dreams, who come to you? As an 8 year old back in the 80s, I saw 4 dead children. Each time I think of it and replay it over and over in my mind. I first saw them, in the shadow on the floor, the light was on in the bedroom and the door frame cast a shadow onto the floor. I also could faintly here them talking, and saying something like, Ooohh can she see us? Then when I looked up from the floor to the actual door frame, their heads moved back. Then after all the shock and teary eyed from being a little startled. I mustered up strength to go into my room, there was no one in the room. BEfore they moved out of my sight, with the replaying of this life event, I swear that I heard them talking and laughing after they scared me and went away. My life has been a rollercoaster of events and seeing.
New subscriber Kelly I have watched you since American Idol but I lived off the grid without TV didn't know you had your own damn show! Love you girl from Grandma Gia in the Ozarks
Woman at 2:56.
Looks approximately 50 to 70 years old, obvious daughter is next to her.
Daughter smirks, waiting for mothers reaction.
First conclusion, daughter brought mother to psychic show to cheer her up.
Reasons would be that someone close to the mother died.
Was it her husband? No because her daughter wouldn't be smirking if her father died.
Someone closer to the mother, who looks somewhere between, 50 and 70. Odds are that it is a parent of the mother.
Main cause of death for elderly = heart failure.
Symptoms of heart failure, lack of breath.
But that is too predictable, so mat throws in "drowning" just so that it seems like it came to him.
Also "I feel like I'm drowning when connected to her" could also double as "I urgently want to speak with her" in case the cold reading fails.
Liar,fraud,no moral code whatsoever,disgusting.
Oh please you are by far gay. Also you are massively religious, what about past lives?
Oh what a load of BS!
Oh what crap man. Put me there, then we'll see if any spooks come through. Bleh!
Geez. Could this be any more fake.
i find it odd how most men who are meduims are gay for the most part
their being posessed by a female spirits
no such thing dead people their is only life and we live for ever one should not be connecting to anything other than nature them self and that of what they can see with their own two eyes
other wise your just opening up your self to deception meduims are channeling with fake white light beings for the most part that are having them think
their something their not the 3d is infested with lies and deception that being dished out by darkness this world is a simulated matrixs that is been governed by dark demonic spirits its a prison world
and you think something of a higher realm going to connect with you get real
The woman in pink thinking – yrah a set up eith an actress.
Proves? LOL
It’s odd that the woman he picked out already had a microphone, I do believe this stuff but this could be staged.
The lady in the audience is a paid actor. 🙄
Psychic Matt Fraser is a charlatan and a performer. Nothing more. If he could actually see 'dead people', he'd be the most powerful and special human being that ever lived. Not a dude in a sparkly jacket appearing on daytime TV shows.
And I thought I was weird. I just wait on the lord. I don't care to know anything I don't need to know. GOD is the revealer of all secrets. This shit demonic
Awww cute white people see them get tv show we see them we go to mental home thanks world
You know he is probably faking because he claimed to like girls when he was little
Almost everyone that dies can't breathe near the end jezzz