Heavy rain, flash floods inundate New York

Heavy rain, flash floods inundate New York
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Torrential rain inundated parts of New York on Friday, causing heavy flash flooding in Brooklyn. Residents were forced to avoid flooded roads and subways. Read more: https://wapo.st/48Bd9XE. Subscribe to The Washington Post on YouTube: https://wapo.st/2QOdcqK

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  1. As the climate heads into greater extremes globally, how can we best deal with future climate crises?

    The short answer is that we cannot deal with them unless we take care of nature's inner balance.

    We live in a tightly-closed and interdependent system in which everything boomerangs back to us. While living in such a system, we need to reconsider what we want and think, and how we treat each other, because our human connections are the primary influence on how nature responds to us.

    It is common to think that climate is dependent on factors outside of us—whether it be balances between heat and cold in the environment, or the effects of various kinds of pollution we emit—because we lack a complete picture of how our attitudes to each other bring about the strongest responses from nature toward us.

    No creature distorts nature the way that we people do. And it is not simply a matter of switching to renewable energy sources, electric cars and the like; it is a matter of how we relate to each other.

    If we truly wish to witness more balance throughout nature and not have to deal with all kinds of cold waves and other natural disasters, then similarly to how we have electricity, water and gas meters in our homes, we should also have meters that count how much evil we emit into the world from our negative attitudes to each other. What I mean is that if we could feel the extent to which we emit negative forces into the world, which negatively ricochet back to us, then we would wish to change this negative driver within us. We would want to switch it to a drive that makes our human connections positive, and which harmonizes us with nature.

    In simple terms, when we get up in the morning, we should first and foremost consider what we need to do in order for all people to have it good. Developing such an attitude is not so simple, yet we will need to seriously work on it as we head into the future. A life of increasing blows from nature or a life of peace and harmony depends on the extent to which we impact a shift in our attitudes to each other—from negative to positive.

  2. "Flood" isn't always limited to water, but sometimes includes mud, debris, uprooted trees, hidden obstacles under water, chemicals, drowned stray animals, Etc.. Then there's the black mold requiring sheetrock replacement, car insurance claims, Etc., afterwards!

  3. When I think about the🍎New Yorkers wading through the🤢water do they not know it's full of💩e-coli?🐛E-coli can be☠️fatal!

  4. He Americans i will give it to you straight.
    Has it ever occurred to anyone of you that from all hundreds of billions spent on waging wars and currently flowing into corrupt Ukrainian politicians pockets, at least part of it should have been spent on preparing the water drainage and sewage systems for moments like this??? The greatest nation on earth??? Really??? Pathetic … Get your house in order before making big claims like this…
    You should stop waging wars and start your long overdue " "home improvement" you need a decade for that… save the money you spend on wars you need it to for your collapsing infrastructure…
    As a small European nation we are prepared for such extremes even when it rains for days we dont have flooding problems we are prepared for even worse…
    So get your house in order first, in the words of Trump you are a sh*hole country, at least that is what you look like to us…
    Stop waging wars use the money for your "home improvement" you owe China too much already ask senator Rand Paul he will tell you
    Good luck…

  5. it’s scary 🙏
    What's the problem with Earth? and Why now 🌀
    What do you guys think we did to deserve all this?
    🙏Lord have mercy 🙏

  6. Say this prayer to be saved with Jesus:
    I confess you and declare you Jesus that you are the Lord and I believe in my heart that God raised you from the death. Jesus save now and write my name in your book of life and lamb and fill me with your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ amen and amen.

  7. I was in New York a few weeks ago, and I saw TONS of pride flags. This flooding is a light punishment compared to what New York deserves for celebrating the sodomite lifestyle.

  8. Alternate side parking regulation was not canceled for Friday. My friend got a parking ticket for parking on a Friday side. NYC, next time you ask your residents to volunteer …up yours …

  9. We are very sad to hear this bad news about NY. Our hearts go out to all citizens of New York. God bless you. Love. Tangier, Morocco, North Africa 🇲🇦 🇲🇦 🇲🇦 God bless America 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸

  10. I seriously think people out in these conditions are missing a chromosome! Why would you drive into flooded sewage water and send your kids to school and try to go into a sewage infested Subway and try to go to work? These people aren't Brave, they're stupid! You're just putting First Responders in danger by doing this and you encourage other people to do the same! Population control I guess…

  11. I sure hope the lawyers are lining up to sue the city for health and safety violations of all those sidewalk undocs who can't find a dry place to sleep. LMAO!!!

  12. English people (totally) deserted ALMIGHTY LORD JESUS CHRIST and started leaning on eastern deities (devils) eyeing creamy lifestyle and prosperous future.
    In return, english countries are under the grip of several evils (foreigners took possession of administrative powers, english people and english countries became countries of worthless).

  13. looting, smash and grab, shooting, homeless and immigrants issue and now flood. anyway it's good cause these floods clean up street homeless and looting won't happen this time

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