Random Funny Videos |Try Not To Laugh Compilation | Cute People And Animals Doing Funny Things P27
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не твоё
6:40 Pool-jitsu
11 : 25 дуже красиво !
Watching non-actor people fall and be hurt isn’t that funny, is it?
Who said its funny when people get hurt?
The woman trying to put gas in the electric car is hilarious.
The Asia Girl is cute.
8:24 😂
0:47 too bad they still alive, those are focking rusian occupants!
It's really disappointing that some clips are cut off too early. Why are you doing this? ☹
Click bait
14:30 Feel so sorry for the guy… He took it like a man though.
stupid girl not only tried to put fuel in her tesla, she tried to put diesel in it….. is that twice as dumb or normal dumb?
11:25 in a perfect universe…
Darwin Award contestants….That's about it…..
I instantly hope, that this basketball moron got bankrupt because of the money he has to pay fir compensation. Man, this generation has absolutely zero respect, so let them pay forever.
packing in more and more (and more) clips. A lot of them you can't really tell what the joke was, they are so quick to jump to the next clip, at the punch line. Others I guess you had to be there.
5:05…. neither do I….?