Used as bait dog over and over… His owner did his ear off, then dumped on the street to end!
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Used as bait dog over and over and over. His owner did his ear off. Then dumped on the side of the street to end…
Special thanks to: 100+ Abandoned dogs of Everglades Florida
Please support there: 100plusabandoneddogsofevergladesflorida.org/donate/
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Thank you for watching!
#animalrescue, #rescuedog
So called humans that do this have no soul
Teria cê encontrar o dono do cachorro e fuzilar ele é piorce inseto🇧🇷🇧🇷
O felice che Eliah siano riusciti a salvsre l'occhio. È um cane
meraviglioso. Graxie a tutyi voi. Pee il propietario carnrfice anni di prigione.
He had gone through a very traumatic experience in his life in the hands of the evil owner but then there were people who were so good who gave life again and now he is happy and enjoying his life to a new loving family.
Thank you all for rescuing him and caring to his needs. Elijah is a precious dog who deserves to be loved , cared for, and have his own family. I'm so happy he was able to overcome all he has been thru. He is a handsome boy with a great smile. Thank you to everyone who has touched his life. God bless you all. 🙏🙏🙏🙏😇😇😇❤️❤️❤️👍👍👍👍
I can’t believe how this dog suffered – it is unbelievable what man can do to hurt animals. Thank you to his rescuers, his adopter and everyone who cared for this poor baby to make him well.
Handsome boy❤
You know he’s been in the foster home before my mom got him for two months prior and then my mom adopted him that was over a year ago probably two years ago by now
If they hadn’t have use the crate to make him feel safe. He probably would be a lot better than he is now. See you see lots of these people that foster these dogs that come from very very very bad places that are unsocialized or you know I haven’t been around much people at all.
And they don’t use something to make them feel safe. You know they don’t use a crate because they know that a dog that feels that he has something to make him feel safe.
He’s going to do everything to protect it even growl at people and anyone that comes into the house The dog is going to be very, very very aggressive with them.
So yeah and I don’t think they even attempted to try and remove the crate and try to touch him or pet him and get him around more people. Otherwise, he would probably be less aggressive by now.
You know. Like I’m disgusted I am angry at those people that fostered him because in my mind, they are no different than the lady that had him before that chained him up and didn’t feed him much you know. So yeah, I find that very difficult. You know that the foster home didn’t even attempt to even try to socialize him before he became available for adoption.
See one of my mom’s dogs is aggressive. He’s very very very scared of people you know because of what he’s been through.
He never had socialization ever in his life and the lady who had him probably wasn’t very nice to him. So he never got to know the touch of love and pets do you know
My mom still working on that with him. However, when he was in the foster home, he was there for two months, and he kept growling at people that came to the house to look at him
But they used a doggy Crete for protection in to make him feel safe. Well he felt the need to protect that crate and he felt the need to protect his own space so I always felt that that wasn’t too smart of them to do that
Oh my gosh, that was the most beautiful video ever.
Que linda história! ❤
Obrigado a todos que o salvaram o tiraram das mãos daquele monstro desprezível e desgraçado Deus recompense vocês
Gracias por ayúdarlo
Из его бывшего хозяина нужно сделать приманку для бойцовских собак.Таких уродов и человеком не поварачивается язык назвать.Спасибо за спасение собаки.Очень красивый,пусть живет счастливо.Он итак натерпелся боли.
i wish who ever did this to kthis dog suffers humiliation and sorrow dogs are loving and caring THEY DERSERVE
なんてひどい事ができる人間がいるの😭💢 もう一度だけ人を信じてね!幸せになれてよかったね❤❤ 助けてくださった皆さん、本当に感謝します!
❤❤❤❤ danke an alle die ihm geholfen haben wunderbare Menschen die Engel sind ❤❤❤❤
Thank all of you for taking that precious soul into your heart and into your arms and taking care of him it literally brings tears to my eyes to see something horrible like people that do this need a.b.i the H.
If dogs could speak the manking would weep….Eliyah's cruel life made me shed a few tears. Some Evil Humans do not deserve these beautiful creatures. They should be prosecuted, they shouls be punished…all lives matter, and his life is as precious as any human's on this planet. A Big Thank you goes to All involved in his rescue and recovery. I am more than happy to see him settled in a nice, caring, loving environment. Destiny is on his side for once. He deserves every second to be happy, forever and a day! Thank you beautiful lady for loving him and treating him with respect. Such a good ending…really happy…Having 3 dogs I know what pure love and loyalty means. All animals deserve a loving home, instead of those abusers who have no respect whatsoever for life. Great job! An innocent life saved!!! ❤💯👍👏🍀🫶💕🐾🐾🙏
Misericórdia meu Deus que gente montruosa
A touts les animaux sauvés, pleins d'amour et de tendresse..🥰❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
My God he's so beautiful… How can anyone hurt animals? How? If I accidentally step on my bull Mastiffs big foot I feel awful!!
Merci pr lui..🥺🙏🙏🙏👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿
Some people just a suck and I hope there's a very special hell for them!!!
Dios los bendiga a ustedes familias paginas y animalitos
Thank you for saving this poor baby. I wish I could grab the douche bag who did this! We want his name & where does he live? I would pay to see everyone punish the crap out of him! We want justice for this poor baby! The jerk needs to pay & face justice!!!! This must be in America right? Where is the guy that needs to face justice?! Who is it?!
Such a beautiful soul, even though he had suffered as a bait dog. Well done to all who helped him ❤ x
Бедный малыш ! Спасибо добрым людям ! А извергу того же что он сделал с псом
😢❤ my prayers are with you Elijah I know you will make it honey God be with you and I'm sending you my five angels to watch over you baby I know you will make it cuz you're a fighter just like me God bless you always sweetie and the people who did everything they could to save your life God bless you all
It truly baffles me how any human can cause this to another being. How they could make other dogs do this to him. 😢. I feel so angry. 🤬🤬🤬. But so happy he had such superb rescuers and doctors and nurses. You truly make the world seem better. And im so happy he got a mum who loves him. He is divine. ❤❤❤❤❤
Danke ❤ 🤲🤲🤲 Wie können Menschen 🔥😈🔥 Bastarde so etwas einem Hund antun 😢🥺 Die Höle soll für solche Menschen heisser gemacht werden 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Thank god for love and compassion what a wonderful thing u have all done x love to all jaki in canvey 😊
This dog was rescued by 100plus dog resue not you
Thank you for returning his love omg he is so cute 🥰 he so deserves all the love and family he can be safe with forever ❤❤❤
It is beyond comprehension how people can do this to a sweet dog like Elijah. I couldn't stop sobbing while I watched your video. I was thinking even after your rescue that he didn't have to suffer going through all those surgeries. It's just senseless that he was made a bait!!! But I am so grateful that he was rescued and in spite of the ordeal he came through with all your perseverance and love. Thank you so much to all who helped him!!!
Thank you to you heroes for saving him!!! Thank you!
Gratiluz a vcs❤🎉
Wow you did such a great job thank you❤
Merci ❤ à toute l équipe de l avoir sauvé de sont enfer, bravo vous êtes des anges ,longue vie à toi magnifique toutou soit heureux et aimé ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Malditas las personas que maltratan a los animales!😠Ellos solo saben dar cariños a los humanos
Gracias por ayudarlo! Ojalá se recupere pronto
Thank you thank you for saving this beautiful boy my heart is heavy I will never understand how there can be any kind of cruelty but he is safe at last
I am so glad he ended up with a happy life he deserves