Her dad’s reaction is the best part ❤️
Special thanks to Jared!
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Her wedding: "Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in stinkiness and in health,
this are beautiful people, so sweet video, so refreshing
Dr. Bronners Castille Peppermint Soap removes skunk smell on first bath.
i have family lived under my cabanon and they are all gentle, no spray for my cat, thay ignored each other. i loved that because they clean my yard of the yellow spot on grass. hole was little and with the rain nothing rest. i love this little one.
hahahhaha! bravo! you save her! she or he is ready because she let you help! big hug
❤ God bless you for saving that beautiful skunk. It breaks my heart to think of how many mice, voles, rats, etc could have already fallen down that pipe and died a slow death. The owners of the property need to cover that hole with wire mesh to stop any other wildlife falling down it.
Her dad is adorable and sweet all concerned for the skunk even if he's been sprayed by one. The way the skunk did those little stomps too lol warning her.
She's very brave. Glad she didn't get sprayed!
You are really good people 💓…50 years ago I spent at least an hour on a very hot day getting a skunks head out of an olive jar, I was young and alone and also sorta in the middle of " nowhere". I didn't get sprayed either, I think some times animals understand our intent. Glad I did it either way, if I had gotten sprayed when the jar came off, well it still would have been worth it. Life is precious
That went surprisingly smooth. 😳
Hope you didn’t forget to cover the pipe with a net or whatever to prevent another unfortunate accident ❤
I cried 😢so hard when she pulled him out!!! Thank you so much ❤️ That poor skunk is forever greatful.
My Goodness- you must have really
Good – Eye sight – to be able to spot
A the skunk tail
Because you , had to drive to this location to be able to rescue this animal.
Well. Done ✔️ thank you for being so caring!
Thank you for being so kind and caring towards this little animal!!!
Such holes in the ground are very dangerous for everyone, they should be protected somehow, preferably with a net.
Oh my gosh favorite Dodo video.Thank you for risking it for that beautiful animal♥️Loved your saving gear🤣😂
Thank you for being so caring and taking the time to help him. 🙂
Dad says don't get shunked before the wedding is awesome
That's a family after my own heart! Bless them all!❤❤ Wonderful to see him walking away unharmed.
Make sure to cover that hole securely
What a lovely family. The world needs more people like these two.
I love how often animals in need of help put their trust in us. They are one of the best parts about being in whatever this weirdness is.
Where's a bottle of Phooph when you need it?😅
Can this family adopt me? 😄
Thank you for your love and kindness ❤ that skunk was a fatty. Lol.
I love rescue videos like this because it proves that there are good people out there who realize that every life matters. ❤
I hope that they let the homeowner know what happened. A pipe with jagged edges sticking out of the ground like that is dangerous, and there are so many ways that an animal or a person could get hurt falling into it or tripping over it.
Excellent work Joanna! That poor guy was suffering. The way he was dizzy and off balance after you pulled him out was sad to see. But happy he was able to regain his composure and get away. That pipe needs to be covered to prevent other animals from going in.
These people are awesome. 😍
Yay !!! Thank you for saving the little buddy but you know what else stood out as well ? The father, he seems like such a kind soul and his daughter benefitted. I am a Daddy's girl, love the dynamic here.
Bravest lady on the planet!❤
Your skunk proof outfit had me belly laughing. Thanks for saving him!
Aww, 💖
Lucky to be husband, getting himself an angel of a woman, to save a skunk before 4he wedding is awesome, kind and brave!!
she my hero 🦸🏾♂️
This is so heartwarming it's shows we haven't lost our sense of justice no matter what species is in need of help humanity is still alive thank you so much xxx
What an amazing father/daughter team!
First of all, shout out to the father who raised his daughter to be compassionate, empathetic, loving and kind. This is taught and learned by example. And second, thank you for saving this beautiful creature, no matter what the cost. You made my day, giving me hope in humanity.
Thank you !!!
That's was brave and wonderful. You did a good thing. And! You didn't get skunked! I may vomit at the smell, but I would've tried too. Good people!
I love skunks. Theyre adorable. Thanks for taking the time to do that.
So happy you were Brave enough to help that baby.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
I watched this in another app and had to come to YouTube to leave a comment about how awesome your dad is
Get him some food & water.
No spray! Happy living Skunk! 😍🥰😘💋💖🦨 Great job!
Great job saving the skunk, I will pay more attention to the dodo in the future as I felt some videos were possibly staged.
Bravo! Bravo!👏👏👏