Stray cat gives birth inside this woman’s Jeep — and the kittens grow up using it as their jungle gym ❤️
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Knowing how terrible the smell is after a cat gives birth, sorry about your Jeep, might never be able to drive it again without that smell.
wow! thanks for saving stray cat❤ i have 2 cats , and 1 stray cat..
Heartfelt good person , so glad mum chose her car
I hope the kittens got their first distemper shot, too. It’s due starting at 9 weeks of age, but 10 weeks is ok to start, too. Twenty-eight to 30 days later the second distemper shot is due. It is so important to get this one, because without it, the first does very little. It’s absolutely critical that kittens get inoculated against these 3 terrible viruses—Rhino, Calici, and Panleukopenia— what is known in lay person’s term as the Feline Distemper Shot. The shot is three viruses rolled into one shot. The mom cat should be tested for FeLV/FIV, and receive her shots, too. Rabies Vacvinations are given to kittens at 16 weeks of age. Usually, the Mom will receive her first Distemper shot and her Rabies vaccination at time of spay.
One thing I kinda disagree whenever people always separated the kittens from their mum
I dont need Videos like this! Stop it just in Time.
Child support ?
Mom cats like their newborn kittens to be in a dark place as long as their eyes are shut! That’s why she brought them back to the car!
This is just way to cute and funny silly kitty thank you for helping them😊😅
The jeep needs new tyres…
You can never ever sell that jeep now as long as you live.. 😆
Can you say that raising these kitties is..EXHAUSTing?
No) ok…bad one.
I love how you took care of the kitties but i whold not sell them
Thank you for helping those beautiful babies and mom cat
You are a great person
They are soooo precious
this is a jeep commercial
Such a beautiful story! God bless you and all of these kids, including the Mommy. You did basically what I had done when we had young kitties having litters in the back of my apt bldg/parking lot. Myself and another neighbor had caught the stray female kitties and had them fixed and I found homes for some of the kittens. I kept one who is now 6 years old and named "Sky" cuz he had the most bluish coat as a baby. I also picked up his aunty "Charlie", put her in my name only to release her back with her sister (Sky's Mommy "Francesca"). The sisters have always been so close, they literally walk with their tails entwined and bounce off each other as they walk and sleep side by side. When the shelter had taken her and her kittens it was truly heartbreaking… both sisters were miserable and sad. But, now they are happy to share their lives together. I tried to find homes for the girls, but no one wanted them and they are truly beautiful! But, I think people just didn't want to put in the time, and they are not even that feral. And, with the inclusion of Sky I already had 5 kitties, so there was no way that I could take on another two. But, we have continued to care for them, so really they are far from being feral, more like just live outside and don't let anyone get too close. I can pet Francesca (Sky's Mommy) when she decides it's OK 😂 But, after Charlie was taken to the shelter and basically abused by them, she changed and will not even let me pet her anymore or get too close 😪
I think you should have a video "conference" with all the cats that were relocated so they can see/ visit their brothers and sisters and mother and father. I think they miss each other and have the same emotional needs as people. They are cute cats!
Godbless 2 you 4 helping mumma kitty and her babies and finding homes 4 the other kitty cat's oh it would have been hard 2 separate them but 2 many at least all have a fur ever home cute how the lady has mumma cat & 2 off the kittens. We need more people like this lady ur a PPUURRRFECT human being GODBLESS 2 ALL involved🙏😻❤️🐾🐱
God bless your ❤
.. sorry wrong typo…shd read…be it 2 legged or 4 legged
… you are not luck.. you're blessed…you are the chosen one to house the mummy and kitties…God put you on trial to see how you react..and you just made the true decision to help these slaves of God…if anyone shelters and house Amy expecting mother's nebit 2 legged 4 legged with legs or without..you pass the gate of heaven..
Greetings all the way from Singapore 💯❤️💞🎁😍👍💞❤️
Eva, thank you for taking care of them. They’re drawn to your Jeep because it’s where Mama gave birth to them. She felt you were a safe person and your Jeep was a perfect place for a maternity ward. I’m glad you found homes for four of them and that you kept Mama and two of her babies. I’m also glad you got her spayed. Thank you again.
Every single bit of this is fake, except, obviously, they are kittens.
The Jeep is the first thing that they ever smelled, next to their mom. That's why they like it so much.
Hii you so beautiful hearts angel people ❤❤❤❤❤loved bendiciones am crying thanks 😊 😢 😭 so cute s😂❤❤❤❤❤❤
So adorable 😊