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These are the top problems with the 3rd generation Nissan Altima. In this video, Sue explains the symptoms and causes of the most common things to go wrong on the 2002 to 2006 Altima. She also offers tips on what you can do to prevent or fix these problems yourself!
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0:00 Top Problems Nissan Altima 3rd Gen 2007-2012
0:12 Stalls While Driving
1:14 Fuel Pump Premature Failure
2:10 Catalytic Converter
3:13 Motor Mounts
4:10 Cam Sensor
5:36 SUBSCRIBE! | Shop 1AAuto.com Link Below!
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…a friend of mines has a 2003 Nissan Altima SE 2.5L, I think he has experienced all these problems at once… 🤨 I hate Nissan cars, especially the Altima..
My 04 altima check engine light will not come on. Is this something I need for it to pass smog?
Any more videos on 2000 Nissan Altima trying to find a video online to see if they have two thermostats
Alarm keeps going off after battery install video would be great
What if there are no codes and it starts fine, then as you drive it, it gets sluggish, and more sluggish, untill it wants to die on you. But shift it to 1st, and it will run about 2500 RPM's. When it's cold, it can rev up to 5k with out a problem. As it worms, it gets sluggish, even to make a clanking or pinging sound if you try to rev it over 4K. I cleaned the first cat out, didn't realize it has two. Maybe I have to check the second one? New MAF, no change. New plug and coils, new fuel pump. Injectors work, I watched them spray while cranking the engine, with them pulled and connected to the fuel line.
Very helpful. I think I have a motor mount problem. Now I know where to look.
I'm working on someone's 2005 altima 2.5. Changed spark plugs, fuel pump, coils, injectors. Cheap injectors, when I removed them to put the old ones back in, found the orange plastic tips gone and one seal on cylinder 1. Never found the plastic when I took the intake manifold off to check for it. I cleaned the catalytic converter. I couldn't see light through it before, no you can see the light through it. There are some areas in the cat that aren't the best. With new plugs, they look bkack on the sides. Compression is low for this engine, ranging from 139 to 160. Should be 181. Cylinders 1 and 2 are the lowest at 139 and 142. I'm thinking it needs a head gasket. It's been running terrible. More power at lower RPM's. Power boggs down when you give it more throttle. Before ckeaning the cat, after changing the fuel injectors, it was running rough and wouldn't go over 3500 RPM's. The cat was red hot. The next day is when I pulled it and cleaned it, letting it soak 2 days. It ran okay after cleaning the cat and putting the old injectors back in, but was still powerless at high RPM's. He said when he came to a hill, it was going slow and he barely got home.
Kids, too impatient to wait for me to look at the car before buying it.
Problem I am having with my 04, Sounds like a misfire, Ticking from the engine.. But it'll go away! Swapped out the fuel pump and its still doing it! Its got 240000 miles and I don't wanna throw a bunch of money at this car! Anyone deal with this before? Should I swap the o2 sensor or look at the plugs? It also stalls, Takes a while before it'll restart! I thought the 2 problems were 1 in the same! I'm learning that maybe they're not? I would love to hear from someone who had a similar problem. thanks!
my '03 Altima HATES mass airflow sensors. I have to replace it every couple of months because she fries the thing for no reason.
yea all of these have been changed lmaoo
I have a 03 Altima 3.5SE lve changed the all sensors twice a year and motor mounts i always take off slowly to not rip them . But now I’ve changed the MAF and throttle body like 4 times. Now it’s working. I’ve invested so much money. I don’t know what to do? The car is Silver good paint good interior nice sound system and lowered with 20” Chrome Velocity Wheels. Tires R still New I don’t drive far local only so I don’t get stranded. Any Suggestions? New Engine or Sell it?
How common is the rear trunk latch going bad?
Will a head gasket being blown stop my vehicle from starting
I love my 05 Nissan Altima, have had it for 18 years bought it new and now 200K and still going strong. Yes I have had to do a bunch of maintenance but it’s been worth the cost.
MY NISSAN ALTIMA 2006 GOES INTO LIMP MODE ALL OF SUDDEN ,we chnaged accelarator pedal and still it went ,noe compter show airflow low p1051 and coolant sensor defective is this causing it after replacing it wil be ok? the limp mode is all of sudden but goes away after turn off and turn on ,the car also is aceelarating sometimes fast and sometime slow reaction with same pedal push.
Limp mode here is it goes like in when we place gear in D mode 5 mph speed with no response from accelarator ,this in highway could create fatal accident
You forgot the transmission failures at 115K.
You forgot the radiator cooling fan failures
transmission mount and passenger mount need to be changed at least once every year if you are hard on acceleration pedal 😂😂😂
Also hard shifting issue from 1-2 gear which is manufacturing defect need affecting the transmission mount
love it love it