Filmmaker Oliver Stone says Americans do not have a full picture of Russian President Vladimir Putin. He aims to change that with a new project, “The Putin Interviews.” The four-part documentary shot over the course of two years includes several conversations with the Russian president. In one discussion, Putin talks to Stone about multiple assassination attempts against him.
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i didn't touch him
i am sorry
Das war mal. Schön verklärt, vergoldet, dass einem die Tränen schießen. Aber JETZT?
Er hat's nicht einfach. Nicht schön, wenn man seine Milliarden nicht kosten kann, keine Ruhe hat, abgefüllt mit miesen Gefühlen, unfähig zu reiner Freude… schlafen gehen mit der Sorge, ob es noch ein Morgen gibt, aufwachen mit der Sorge, was diese ukrainischen Biester sich wohl heute wieder einfallen lassen werden (oder über Nacht wieder angerichtet haben)… Da muss man schon ganz schön gespalten sein, wenn man sein Frühstücks-Ei oder schon die Morgenlatte genießen will. Es macht irgendwie schon lange keinen Spaß mehr, auf der Hut zu sein, wer einem auf die Schliche kommen könnte und wer wie auszuschalten wäre: Ein Alter, in dem Andere gemütlich die Beine hochlegen. Er aber muss schon wieder in die Muckibude, damit ihn sein Spatzerl nicht gar so eklig findet, dass sie ihn auch schon mal länger zappeln lässt als früher… Und immer mehr Altgewordene im Tross, kaum mehr Jüngere, die mitziehen, die sehen, dass er keine Zukunft bietet, sondern nur noch Abgesang in Aussicht – mit der steten Panik, ihm nicht zu nahe zu kommen: der Hauch des Todes prickelt nicht.
Can't interview a genocidal war criminal in 2023 🙄 maybe from the prison cell. If Putin even survives that far. He does fear being Gaddafi'd after all.
Do not believe anything he would say!
When putin want to sleep , the sun diminishes his luminosity.
So to make it in global politics…you either keep things the way they are.. or be a complete sociopath
– Those who are destined to be hanged are not going to drown
– So, Mr. Putin, you chose to be hanged as a death penalty. Alrighty then
my grandma always says that "if ur born to hang, you'll never drown"
If only CBS dealt with their own president this respectfully
The whole world would benefit of this f*cker being 6ft under the ground
bro with fidel castro
Every human as planned for their lives to be as comfortable and productive as possible but jealousy is watching and do it damnest to spoil it only because it's only what they good at.
You either die from an assassination attempt, or you live long enough to see yourself planning them.
At least he believes in God unlike some other presidents
Jesus is the truth, the life and the way…Jesus is coming very soon…repent
მის გარეშე
ვერ გიშველით
ვლადიმირის !
( ისეთი ძალაა
მომდგარი ! )
⭐war☝️: Unless you pay me a lump sum ₹ as negotiation fees, why should I waste my human resources? —👽
Those who are destined to be hanged, do not drown
This is a quote from a Spanish proverb that means that those who are meant to die a certain way will not die in another way. It is often used to express the idea that fate or destiny is inevitable, and that trying to change it or avoid it is futile. The implication is that if someone is "destined to hang," they will not die by drowning.
Those who are destined to be hanged, do not drown
"This is a quote from a Spanish proverb that means that those who are meant to die a certain way will not die in another way. It is often used to express the idea that fate or destiny is inevitable, and that trying to change it or avoid it is futile. The implication is that if someone is "destined to hang," they will not die by drowning."
2 hours with putin? Give me to 2 minutes.
Pooooootin old stinkt warfart
You can clearly see an English personality and a Russian personality.. English always trying to be tricky and witty…
Russian stright to the point
Very soon this man will attempt to assassinate his main oppositioner Alexey Navalny. And in couple more years – he'll start a terrifying war with peaceful neighbor country at cost of hundreds of thousands lives.
This is what 23 years of dictatorship lead to.
Best President And Best RUSSIA 🇷🇺🇷🇺🤝🇮🇳🇮🇳 President for life time
Slava Z
First, it is a lie from Putin that he simply lets his security guards do their job and relies on them, because former bodyguards report that he trusts no one. And secondly, he also knows very well what it is like to escape assassination attempts because he has carried out many assassination attempts himself.
Animal vova pukin
помоешное тв ..
агентурная клоака
Я жил, живу и, надеюсь, буду жить в эпоху двух людей: Путин и Димаш!!!
How do u escape a heart attack on ur sleep ??
Oh great, another youtube recommendation with comments full of simpletons who know nothing of real world. "Oh look, that's that cool russian guy!". I wonder if they leave same comments to videos about bin Laden. Not sure if their brains can even comprehend the basis of this comparison though.