5 EXTREME Natural Disasters Caught on Camera
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Calm down Al Gore ya big dummy
Please stop with all the climate change crisis propaganda. Climates changes are a constant thing on this planet. Hence ice ages and warmer periods. And glaciers work like this: They are fed with new snow on top and slowly make their way down and then this happens from time to time. Glaciers don't dissolve onto nothing.
clim@te ch@nge, LOL! what a joke! anyone believing in that SCAM needs their head checked!
what changes the climate are the CHEMTRAILS, H.A.A.R.P., SCALAR devices and more. the governments and military around the world are controlling ALL the "climate" = weather.
Insert climate change, the "Manmade" HOAX of the century! Got news for you whom have fallen in to this garbage hoax, there is nothing mankind can ever do to slow or stop natural earth forces!
Don’t call it mother nature. It is nature. Mother nature is a demonic term. Earth worshipers look at the Earth as our mother a lie. Jesus/God created us not the Earth. Read the Bible.
Climate change is a lie. Created by Woke Democrats in a means to control people. They used to call it global warming. They found out that was a hoax a lie Now they call it climate change.
Climate change is natural. History shows that the climate under goes major changes.
The climate change hype sucks. According to predictions 50-60 years ago, New York is supposed to be under water. Why isn't it? Because the alarmists don't know what they're talking about.
The first one isn't a natural disaster. It's bad engineering. Why would you build a road out of a hillside without a retaining wall?
This was ok until this guy started preaching about climate change, and rising ocean levels. That gletcher is not melting it is simply expanding as they have done for millions of years.
Glacial calving has nothing to do with climate change and it is constantly happening., There has been no change in sea level rise in hundreds of years.
Everyshing is sho ekshtreem and shtraight incho shtuff in thish video!
Glacier is not melting. They are expanding.
Climate change is a myth
Fairly lousy videos actually of the avalanches and hurricanes. And what is wrong with the Indian civil engineers? They can’t plan a road properly without it collapsing due to landslides? India is mighty large third world country for having such a large population and ancient civilization, but they can’t build roads, railroad systems and sewage systems that cause death, destruction and public health disasters to their population?
I saw a picture of the Statue of Liberty late 1800's and a recent picture of it and the water level is the same. So shut the f*ck up about fake climate change.
ROFLMBO😂😂😂Climate change causes icebergs 😳😂😂😂That happened after the global flood of Noah's era. If "climate change" is real, why do all the activist billionaires and politicians have ocean front mansions? Because it's a scam.
Due to climate change? Im so tired of that phrase. Its called natural weather or mother nature and we cant do a damn thing about it, good or bad. Theres a reason why they changed the term global warming into climate change. Thats because its all propaganda and lies.
0:22 and going on for a minute, you can see the Clif has a face of a demon. Pls tell me about it!?!.; Something spiritual going on
Do commercial subs imploding count as a natural disaster….?
Gods really angry
I love watching nature do her thing, lots of changes happening. Thank You So Much @MonthlyFails 🙂
..just More Global Warming Climate Change Scam -mongering!!!