Guy finds kitten at McDonald’s and now he gets a happy meal at the drive through whenever they drive by ❤️
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For the love of animals. Pass it on.
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He’s so cute
I thought you weren't supposed to feed cats french fries or potato products?
That's soooooo sweet what a bond Big Mac and the dog developed, truly beautiful ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Don't feed your cat fries, J. Cats are obligate carnivores and don't have the necessary enzymes to digest carbohydrates. This is why your should buy him grain-free food. Also, cats most of their hydration from the food they eat, so feed him wet food, that is, canned food, not dry food. Dry food can cause crystals to form in the urinary tract, which can lead to blockage, including complete blockage, which WILL result in death if not caught in time. Surgery to have the urinary tract cleared out and repaired runs between $2500 and $3000. No fries, no carbs, and no dry food (well, a little is okay). Feed him good quality, grain-free food. Avoid tuna cat food as well because of the mercury.
He looks in quite good condition, not skinny or sickly. Hope you had him checked out by a vet. Please have him neutered and vaccinated. I'm currently looking after a convalescent kitten that never received proper health care. Two days of intravenous fluids and antibiotics, 6 days of eye drops. He got on my lap today; I think he has an 80/20 chance of pulling through. Long life and happiness to that sweet little ginger.
vid posted 7/26 on their tiktok and u just posted 6 days ago, SLOW AS HELL
I think Chicken McNugget would have been way cooler.
Sounds like you got a happy meal 😊🤤.
The Cat Distribution System has done another fine job!
I want to make him his own happy meal box bed.
i love how his bandmates were totally on board from the beginning! that's an awesome group of friends with an adorable new arrival 💕 mac's in good hands and clearly surrounded by lots of love! nothing can cheer you up quite like kitten shenanigans
Big Mac is part of the band! 😊 ❤
You didn't just feed an obligate carnivore a French fry, did you??? Anyway, thank you for helping the animal.
This warmed my heart ❤
He will become a Big Mac one day
The dog is so lovely
As it should be
No one thought to sing the kitty "smelly cat"?!?!
Best prize out of a happy meal ever
Should have called him little fry since he likes fries so much 😍❤
Love ginger kitties. It was meant to be ❤🇬🇧
Cute kitten and some cool tees too
This has nothing to do with the cat🤔
kittem mc do
I'm supporting this band! I'll buy their music, see them if they come to SF.
Utterly adorable ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Nice family
I think it’s a surprisingly good change of pace to see a raper style music group caring for a cat like that since he was found in a McDonald’s parking lot and was appropriately named ‘Big Mac’. And like all the other cats raised by people out there being synonymously cute this case is no exception 😉
Love this! Wish you all the best with your music and this beautiful kitty! 💖
You're all just so awesome!!!. 💖😻🤗
He looks more like a Nugget to me but well XD he's still an adorable lil kitten!
Kitty meal lol he's adorable so are the humans
80% of ginger cats are male. They're adorable.
As a cat owner you deserve congratulations for saving and adopting Big Mac.Many greetings from Greece to you and to Big Mac.😊😊😊😊❤❤❤❤
❤❤❤ it makes my ❤ do happy to hear and see that there are still kind and lobbing people left in the world that will stop thinking about themselves and still take in and care for weekday midday would consider a waste of time for a sweet little kitten. Big Mac's story is exactly what i needed to hear today! Thank you too that young man that saved that sweet lil feline. You may have saved more than anyone realizes. Bless you.
He’s the missing tribe member.😂
cats only eat meat. They are 100 percent carnivorous, unlike dogs.
My mom worked part time at McDonald's. One of her regulars that came through said that she heard sounds of a cat coming from her vehicle and didn't know where they were. So they inspected when she stopped and this kitten was underneath the hood. This lady drove 40 miles with it like that and didn't know. So his name was lucky and he came home with us.