In the shelter are more than 400 dogs and in Greece are millions yes millions of dogs that need help . From my side I try to save as many poor animals as I can and the last 11 years I give my life for them . Indi was dying in the streets of Athens and I rescued her and I really bring her back to life Indi is very old and she has a very small tumor that can’t be operated because she is too old and we don’t need to operate it anyway because there is no pain and it’s too small . Some people they visit the shelter and they think that they will see all the dogs in a perfect condition and when they see a dog like Indi they are complaining! Here is a shelter with more than 400 dogs and not a private club with 50 or 70 or 100 dogs ! I said many times that I chose the hard way and not the easy way , the hard way is to rescue as many animals as I can and not to have only a few dogs in the shelter and all in a perfect condition and leave the others to die in the streets ! I’m not perfect but I know very well that I’m doing my best to save as many animals as I can and to make them happy
No chain. No cage. No kill. – Takis Shelter
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It must be very frustrating and tiring to get so much input from so many different sources. I think it's 50/50– there are probably alot of people who really do mean well when they ask alot of questions. And then there are those trying to be nasty. Either way it must be very tiring to deal with when you already have soooo much work to do.
Indi deserved the chance to live and you gave it to her! Sooo many of these precious old babies would not have been as fortunate if they weren't with you. Thank
You Taki
& all the angels!

Happy Weekend
Smart soldier 42
The dogs themselves know when it is their time to pass. l,ve had experience of this. They usually don,t want to get up out of their bed.

As long as they are not in pain.
Thank you for all you do.

. My comment for the youtube algorithms. 

Thank you for all you do. 

. My comment for the youtube algorithms. 

Indi is so beautiful and you're right about her age and the possibility of her not waking up

Pls stop making Takis grazy… He is already working 24/7 with 100 % brain and heart.
Don’t worry, all people which not understand that they see only the moment. Need to see and understand the context in which each of them exist. For example: my Vizsla 15 years old with two tumors in the spleena over one year.

I did not want him to die during the surgery on the table of the vet. Be careful blaming Takis if you don’t understand the life condition from an older dog. Keep his life pain free happy as long eating pooping walking and sleeping is fine.
Now I enjoy the rest of our limited time with my dog.
Dear papa T, so sorry people's perceptions are negative . We staunch followers, know what you do and we love you 1 k million times over for your empathy and compassion for the animals'. You are a true earth angel. Lovely Indie was rescued and enjoys her winter years of life just toddling up and down. When it's times the animals' will let you know blessed be x
Takis has enough money from donations, lots of experience and a vet's clinic that has already saved and taken care of lots of sick animals. If there was something that could be done about this old lady without risking her life, I believe he would. But she seems fine!
:Cruel savior 89
takis we love you
and your volunteers 
are all angels no animals cats dogs and goats are a bother old and young are given the best life wete most shelters would just put them to sleep . but you give them the best chance of their remaining days months . ie Elvis what you did for him will be in my heart forever a true gentleman and your helpers are the best . humans bah animals everything as it should be .

I had an old dog with the same issue. She was not in pain. The doc said she could not be anesthetized, and could live with the condition. You know what’s best for the situation.
All diese Besucher die denken Takis Shelter ist Bullerbü auf Kreta sollten einmal in ein normales Tierheim gehen wo sie sehen wie Hunde dort aussehen. Dazu im Vergleich ist Takis Shelter wirklich Bullerbü. Die Hunde sind relativ frei, gut versorgt und bekommen Zuwendung wenn die Zeit vorhanden ist. Jeder der sich darüber auslässt wie Takis seine Arbeit machen soll, sollte sich einmal Websites von Tierschutzorganisationen in Italien oder Spanien ansehen. Dort werden die Hunde in sogenannten städtischen Tierheimen (Todeslager) nach 21 Tagen vergast
. Danke Takis das Du Dich für alle Tiere aufopferst.

Takis you are perfect in my eyes you try your hardest to do your best for 400 dogs thats more than many will ever do your an earth angel

God bless you,dear Takis, you know what is best!!!!
Cute jet 37
Takis, you are a hero

Danke für alles! Für dein großes Herz, deinen Sachverstand und deine Vernunft. Was du tust, ist unbeschreiblich. Dank dir, darf Indi noch einmal aufleben und ihr Leben genießen. In Athen wäre sie schon vor Monaten erbärmlich gestorben, krank und allein gestorben.
Mister Takis is a real human ,many of the people are brutal egoistic authoritarian worthless who are able to kill each other .See what is going on spending trillion on wars and masquerad dissolute living and proud, while real living beings are starving and living in scandalous condition in total indifference .The so-called civilised world !!!!!
Takis knows what's best for the Doggies!

Takis, you don't have to explain.
Anyone with common sense can see.
You are right Takis
Indy is a nice name.
My female cat who died last year was called Indica. 

Indy have a big tail
Yo recuerdo cuando una señora trajo a Indi tan sucia tan flaca tan enferma pense q no lo lograria y ahí esta viviendo feliz y tan bonita.
Bless you Takis
. Some people have no clue what you do, the sacrifices you make. Nevermind – you are an amazing man 
Άσε, μην δίνεις σημασία! Βλέπουμε σε τί εξαιρετική κατάσταση είναι τα ζωάκια. Τα βρίσκεις ταλαιπωρημένα, ημιθανή και τα ανασταίνεις , τόσα χρόνια!
I can't thank you an your team enough for what your doing
Takis tu es le meilleur je t’aime