More than a dozen people were arrested after a massive group of juvenile looters ransacked businesses across Philadelphia on Tuesday night.
Video obtained by Action News captured a group of people taking items out of a Foot Locker store around 8 p.m. on the 1500 block of Chestnut Street in Center City. Several juveniles fled the scene, but at least one adult was arrested, police said.
READ MORE: https://6abc.com/philadelphia-pa-looting-center-city-foot-locker/13832625/
Political correctness has gone to a point where it interferes with logical reasoning and common sense
defund the police, gun control – this is what you get!
Teens, juviniles code word from the media call them for what they really are Ni*you have been banned for commeting in this platform*
Scott "nostradamus" Adams is completely right
I remember useless and woke IBM released a statement that they would not allow their facial recognition systems to be used by law enforcement. It's only to be used to record people going to church as they are the real terrorists.
If it's not all these ratchet people, its the terrorist jumping the border.
what did u expect city fullof junkies
Stop this lawlessness . It is criminal. Dangerous for the community
Philadelphia it's going downhill fast it slowly started with Kensington now this smfh hopefully they do something fast because by the looks of it it's no longer safe to go there
This is starting to feel like INSIDE JOB.
200 years after Willie Lynch and the African American community still can not rise above, because they are content being victims. I say this as a black woman who has observed for years, had my blackness questioned for "not being black enough", liking "white music", liking other cultures, and liking to learn. These are poor examples of black people in America. They do not have the mental capacity to understand they are the root of their own problems. They believe because they were once victims, rules do not apply to them today. Unfortunately, these ratchet below 70 IQ clowns love to see and hear themselves talk, so they are in the spotlight. The worst part is they get away with it because Oppression Olympics is a competitive sport and those who are supposed to protect and secure us are too afraid of backlash from a group of narcissists.
Wonder if all these comments are the same when domestic terrosim and mass shootings happen by white men.
Fatherless behavior 🙏
Buy online what i do
They have a license to commit crime by progressive liberal politicians and other activists, a joke at best, a terrifying dystopian society at worst. No city is safe under democrat rule.
Thanks Joe….
The colapse has begun…
Imagine this youth will have kids…… and so forth… how the hell do you stop this
When Hong Kong protestors threw bricks against shops in Hong Kong back in 2019, Nancy Pelosi described the scene as "beautiful" , with a "democratic" cause.
Well, now I would like to say what a beautiful scene in Philadelphia, where black people stood up against inequality and capitalism which failed the majority of poor people in the US
any get away car should be ran over by a city trash truck……and take stuff from them, and see if they like it. they like to throw rocks at police….throw big rocks and cartons of eggs at their stolen cars… we got plenty of ideas…..
it's like rabid rabbits running around.
The blocks are called Chestnut and Wallnut? whahahahat
And for some reason they're not all being shot in the face as they perform these criminal Acts. So I guess there's more people to blame here than just the criminals. This is what no accountability brings you morons. Start acting accordingly for a change instead of just loving to be victims and then menstruating really hard about it later.
Food deserts incoming
Day got iphones! Day got iphones!! HahahhaHaHaHaAAAHaaaaaaaaaa Day got iphones!!!
We need to ban this sort of thing. That will stop all this crime.
Put dogs inside shop when closed night..
Such a great culture. The USA needs to follow the example of these fine folks.
AWESOME. Vote more democrats into office. I love this social experiment. Going good.
🦍 🦍 🍌 🍌