Ever since pandemic-era enhancements to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program expired in March, eligible households have received about $95 less each month. Kyle Waide, president and CEO of the Atlanta Community Food Bank, joins CBS News to discuss how the need in his community has changed since those benefits expired.
#news #foodinsecurity #foodbanks
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Republican want zero snap bemefits and more tax cuts for the billionaires
Thank a MAGA Republican!
Georgia people
Gotta take care of the illegals
Life is not about eating all the time. You don't have to have 3 meals a day like society says. It's plenty of food, why keep talking about food insecurity?
There is SO much failure across the board within our systems. Too many incompetent people in positions of power who are making decisions that harm Americans. We need a complete reset. Americans deserve better
So lets open the borders! How ridiculous is this??
Brought to you by the “pro life” folks.
yes, it's true. I got ONE child support payment ever in over a decade and they cut me and now we're starving and have been for months, sorta, not able to pay other bills, for sure, because if I have to choose betweeen feeding my kids and paying rent, utilities, and cc payments… I pick eating. that's all I have money for… eating and the minimums on the cc's… sorry. I re-applied and the worker that had processed the information on the ONE child support payment had entered that ammount in the system as an ammount received "monthly" hahahahahahahahahahahaha WAY TO GO ONCE AGAIN COLORADO! (if you want timely child support payments and nice roads and affordable housing and nice people and honest mechanics…. DO NOT COME TO COLORADO!)
Any of theese families who get pregnant should be last on line .
I can't get an appt. Due to illegals.. how do those that go there have nice cars ?
I would skip meals daily beforehand so that my kids can eat better. I eat any leftover bites on their plates when they leave some. Wich I usually get about 1/3 of a meal out of breakfast and dinner some days. My budget is 50 cents per meal as a disabled single mother
"Poverty is a policy choice."
1:50 these workers don’t look hungry
I seen people on food stamps load up their carts to the max and they only pay a few dollars. I pay a fortune for food. Just because I don't breed I am punished.
If you can't afford kids, do not have them.
Eating less? Bull crap. It’s free to begin with. Stop buying premade crap.
Justice Ruth Ginsburg net worth was estimate between $7.2 million and $29.5 million, an average of $18.3 million.
Dianne Feinstein estimated net worth $69.4 million
John Kerry estimated net worth – $163,626,399
Old time Soviets survived on volka & potatoes. Get creative.
Overeat while one can. Use store fat when food and benefits becomes scarce