21 Adorable Golden Retrievers Puppies Play in a Field

21 Adorable Golden Retrievers Puppies Play in a Field
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They frolic! They play! They chase and tumble. And you will never be so excited to by the smell of puppy breath! Check out this video and watch the painfully adorable afternoon adventure through a meadow of 21 Golden Retriever puppies. You read that right, 21 Golden Retriever puppies! At 6 weeks old, these little ones are enjoying their freedom and the joy of new experiences as the tumble down hills and frolic through open meadows of green grass. Their cuteness will leave you smiling all day!

This video was shot/edited by Abe Halpert, Andrew Osborne and Elise Vaux. Want to see more painfully cute puppy videos? Check out the Heartwarming Animals YouTube Channel, part of the HooplaHa Network…and don’t forget to smile!

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About the Author: Heartwarming Animals


  1. To be honest, I am more of a cat person than I ever was dog, but I will admit that Young dogs are far cuter than young cats (OK maybe not a lot, but still a tiny bit cuter). Fully grown dogs on the other hand are not cuter than fully grown cats. But ay, I love both animals

  2. Who picked out that stupid music?

    Everything doesn’t need a soundtrack buddy, somethings are just cute in and of themselves.

    Grow up

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