Largest Religions in Every Continents | Country Comparison | Data Duck 3.o
#LargestReligionsinEveryContinents #LargestReligionsinEachContinents #continentwiselargestreligion #mostfollowedReligionsinEveryContinents #mostfollowedReligionsinEachContinents #continentwisemostfollowedreligion #biggestReligionsinEveryContinents #biggestReligionsinEachContinents #Largest_Religions_in_Every_Continents #Largest_Religions_in_Each_Continents #continent_wise_largest_religion #most_followed_Religions_in_Every_Continents #most_followed_Religions_in_Each_Continents #continent_wise_most_followed_religion #biggest_Religions_in_Every_Continents
My respect for all religions ☪️♥️✝️☦️♥️🕉️♥️✡️
Christianity 📈✝️🦾
Also the fastest religion in 2023 is islam
Islam > every religion
Islam is the truth if you don't believe me we will see on the day of judgement 😂
I have respect for all religion as a Muslim,I am saying this because my religion taught me this
If you’re wondering about the numbers worldwide they are
Christianity 2.382 Billion people
Islam 1.907 Billion people
Hinduism 1.161 Billion people
Jai shree ram 🕉 we are oldest than that mullas 😂,they are only good in making babies
7 Continentw but only 5 Chads 🗿🗿🗿
Christianity ❤
proud to be a muslim ☪️❤❤❤ I love Allah and Prophet Muhammad (SM)❤❤❤
Proud to be a Christian, no one can shake believing in Jesus ✝️ ⛪️❤
Antarctica With Penguinism(penguinity) Laughs in the Corner
My respect for Oceania ↘⬇⬇⬇
Invasion of Lindus
Hindu 🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🛕🛕🛕🛕⚔️ only hindu like this comment
Cristianithy Took over the World Like the British empire👍
It’s should China NoReligion is the largest in Asia
If you Hindus are mad stay mad loser there are 1.2 billion Hindus and 1.3 billion Muslims so idc what y'all say
Largest religion in Asia should be Maoism😂. 1.4 Billion populations believe it, at least formality
Europe and asia not continets
North America is 74% and Europe is less than 65%
Jai shree ram ❤❤
love islam
i love ALLAH
I love my Hinduism 🚩🕉️❤️
I love islam❤️
Largest religion in Antarctica?
There was a time when religion doesn't mean As a tag, it meant as a duty to Finish evilness but now it had beacame a tag . But The only Reality is Hinduism is the father of all religion in the world And also it is the first religion in the world. But the people had made it fun by creating more and more religions.
Islam dominating
In Asia Hindu is the largest religion
I love my islam❤ Islam is the best religion in the world ☪️
Islam Zindabad
Why not islam spread all other continent why muslims are not performing their duty for god godness