Largest Religions in Every Continents | Country Comparison | Data Duck 3.o

Largest Religions in Every Continents | Country Comparison | Data Duck 3.o
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Largest Religions in Every Continents | Country Comparison | Data Duck 3.o

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About the Author: Data Duck 3.o


  1. If you’re wondering about the numbers worldwide they are
    Christianity 2.382 Billion people
    Islam 1.907 Billion people
    Hinduism 1.161 Billion people

  2. There was a time when religion doesn't mean As a tag, it meant as a duty to Finish evilness but now it had beacame a tag . But The only Reality is Hinduism is the father of all religion in the world And also it is the first religion in the world. But the people had made it fun by creating more and more religions.

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