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#FailArmy #Fails
1:08 D.C as in Washington? I might be wrong, since I could care less for anywhere I don't live, but I think D.C is a city.
Never expected to see the 475 crash in this video!
Well you got NY wrong, the dumbest thing there is the our idiot governor, Hochul!
I once got told that they just look stupid bc they take out their cameras faster. Let that sink in….
These people are without a doubt maga.😂😂😂
How many of these people learned not a damned thing in Physics class, I wonder…
I spent many years as a triage nurse and I can say yes Americans are doing things they have no business doing and having fun doing it! ❤ " and why did you do that?" " I don't know!" Please be careful…..!
I don't care no matter what they say about Americans we have the spirit of wild fun built into us!
Only Oklahoma if they decided to take advantage of the situation & go noodling.
thank you for giving wyoming the recognition it deserves 😂
We need horses on every Beach..
@22:27, is that Jesus?
Did the people survive that had chimneys fallen on them?
8:08 WTH is on the steering wheel
Still can't believe how USA became the most powerful nation in the world 😄😂🙃😵💫
Almost everyone is morbidly obese 😂
Apparently Our Lord And Savior Jesus Christ is kept pretty busy responding to his name being called in so many fails. He must not have time to heal the sick or ease the pains.
This why I’m scared to go to the US😂
Man i love america
Puerto Rico and Washington DC aren't actually States if Puerto Rico was a state the feds would probably be taxing it to the roof but you know the whole no taxation without representation thing kind of started America and because they're not stage they don't have any representation meaning they don't pay federal taxes I think it's federal taxes I'm not a hundred percent sure I just know they don't pay certain taxes
Right, so can anyone tell me what kind of animal that was in 18:23?
8:13 is that mold or ice on the steering wheel?
13:36 I could almost hear his nuts crack
2:35 7:00 I can feel his fear
We Americans cannot resist the sweet allure of even the dingiest rope swing beckoning over the murkiest of ponds.
America has been dumbed down by the left to the point we're all is serious danger.
It's no wonder that Biden is their leader.