6 TRUE Scary Home Alone Horror Stories | True Scary Stories

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Check out Booze & Boos! https://www.youtube.com/@BoozeandBoos

Send your TRUE Scary Stories HERE! ► https://southerncannibal.com/

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► https://open.spotify.com/show/3zfschBzphkHhhpV870gFW?si=j53deGSXRxyyo9rsxqbFgw

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► https://youtube.fandom.com/wiki/Southern_Cannibal

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► Snapchat: iAmCanni
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► Scary Story Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL18YGadwJHERUzNMxTSoIYRIoUWfcGO2I

► DISCLAIMER: All Stories and Music featured in today’s video were granted FULL permission for use on the Southern Cannibal YouTube Channel!

► Thumbnail Artist: Myself
Original Photo: https://unsplash.com/photos/M-AG-A7wPBw

Huge Thanks to these brave folks who sent in their stories!
#1. – Sav
#2. – Amber
#3. – M-Dude
#4. – Nick
#5. – Shiro
#6. – Anonymous

Huge Thanks to these talented folks for their creepy music!

► Myuuji: https://www.youtube.com/c/myuuji ♪
► CO.AG Music: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcavSftXHgxLBWwLDm_bNvA ♪
► Kevin MacLeod: http://incompetech.com ♪
► Piano Horror: https://www.youtube.com/PianoHorror ♪


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About the Author: Southern Cannibal


  1. First story made me think about setting up a automatic BB gun outside your home maybe on roof or somewhere high up

  2. 7:06 i would have gotten a curtain for that window! A firearm and cell phone are always a must ! 8:16 Yeah, you definitely should have called 911 before you call justin or anybody else. 22:36 SHAME ON EVERYONE she talked too and didnt take her seriously!! The cops there sound lazy , First the woman you talk to him in the phone the first time, Second, the cops that came to your house didn't even look at the guy's car or ask for ID!!

  3. You should definitely have more subscribers bc I love your videos. Your health and personal life should always come first so take care of yourself I know all about back problems, I've had 3 surgeries on mine.

  4. Being home alone and hearing or seeing creepy things like intruders trying to break in is so scary. I'll definitely be more alert next time I'm home by myself. The delays in police response were frustrating too.

  5. Lol pacific northwest ? White Honda? The landscaper story, wonder if this girl lives in sandpoint ID or bonners Ferry idaho or cda idaho you know that area if so I mat know who this mystery man is. 😂

  6. Booze & Boos is a great collaboration! His outros are worth waiting until the end of his videos. Much love to Southern Canni. ❤ Take care of yourself and don’t feel guilty about focusing on your health and personal life first, though. The fans can wait for videos. As much as I love Canni stories, I and your fans are more worried about you being okay and having time to relax outside of YouTube. Happy Spooky Season to everyone! 🎃👻

  7. Story 2: I have the same issue. There is a small window above my shower in my home. Fortunately I live out in the country and said person would have to be 6’5 or taller or have to have a ladder to see over it.

    All six of these stories are the reason why I carry.

  8. Story 2 is good considering that every episode of Hell's Kitchen has Gordon Ramsey blasting someone for messing up. Great set tonight regardless Southern Cannibal, job well done

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