Liquid Sand Hot Tub- Fluidized air bed

Liquid Sand Hot Tub- Fluidized air bed
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I don’t like sand. It’s coarse, and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere.

Fluidized beds are used in industry for various reasons. They also happen to be really cool to play with and swim in. I made a liquid sand hot tub by adding air in just the right way.

Here is the build info:

Here is a video by the King of Random with more details on making one for yourself:

I started a company called CrunchLabs where we build a toy together and then I teach you all the jucy physics for how it works. So if you want to learn to think like an engineer and have really fun time doing it, check out the current promotion where you get 2 FREE boxes at

You should also go subscribe to the CrunchLabs YouTube channel cause we’ve got some bangers in the pipeline-

Thanks to these folks for providing some of the music in the video:

Ponder –
Laura Shigihara – @supershigi
Andrew Applepie –
Blue Wednesday –


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About the Author: Mark Rober


  1. Gravity acts on all bodies with the same force; a balloon floats in the atmosphere due to the fact that its mass is not enough to resist air particles. So this is not due to gravity, but due to inertia.

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