In this video I’ll go over one of the most overlooked part of your cooling system, with symptoms similar to a bad head gasket, engine running too hot, combustion gas in the cooling system, Coolant leaks, Coolant hose bursting etc to top it off usually this is a very easy fix.
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You sir have a new subscriber. This is happening to my 2004 audi TT. I thought it was the thermostat or engine coolant temperature sensor
1998 Honda Civic LX did gasket twice still over heating 😢 I'm so lost and unmotivated with this car as this problem never ends switched every component with the cooling except sensors and fans.
Dude mind blown, thank you for the video
Great video, do a video on different brand or rad cap and how effective they are, is Stant 10242 rad cap 16 psi one the best? How good are those cap that shows pressure needle dial indicator? Motorad T-37 rad cap? Race car driver rad cap, is it Mugden? I purchased a Honda dealer cap for my 2005 Civic, it turned out to be bad, not enough heat output and losing coolant. I had cupboard liner material so I cut it out and made a gasket to put it inside the Honda rad cap. Works good, not best yet? What are other great material to use as gasket?
This makes sense more than anything I've heard. I've tried everyrhing!!! I bought a new cup cut it is just a regular cap. Thank u so much
Can someone help I noticed my radiator was leaking from underneath the car and my radiator is now dry my car kind car overheat did I blow a head gasket what may be the issue and or solution?
Please my Toyota Seana 05 is having overheat to the extent of pulling the radiator, please i am confused don't know what to do, I need advice
I am a woman and absolutely hate doing anything to my Honda van but this video is very informative and hopefully after buying a new cap today, I'll be good to go.
What if there’s no radiator cap and just an overflow tank that has the plastic cap? I changed the water pump and. Thermostat and had the radiator checked and my Chevy Equinox is still overheating at idle when it’s driving it’s fine it cools down my mechanic nor myself can figure out the problem
Awesome 👍
Awesome video
This? Is difficult to get mainstream because the wisdom is real.
But you can have thugs, Ho's, smuts and killers and dealers in abundance.
Then when dudes like this come out?
You Don't buy it nor support it
Where do I find out what my PSI is for my vehicle cap Anybody know?
That explains why my reservar boils over, thanks, I'm glad I came across your video.
do you know what to do if achmet added sugar to the oil and engine started glow and jam ?
so i discovered that on the Mazda5 the cap do not have a visual spring. It does not retract like the one we see here. I went to the store thinking 'mine is busted! it's not retracting!..I found the problem!!!!' I was happy and so I made my way to the autopart store with my overheating car thinking that I was going to fix the problem. Only to see that the new cap did not retract either!!!! 🙁
Just as important as the gascap
The cap, also, can get clogged, especially if you use a K-Seal or other stop leak product; you'll need to clean the cap or replace the clogged cap.
What is my radiator has no cap ?
I have a 2003 ford expedition 5.4 liter…I don't have a radiator cap…just the Reservoir
Great video but I had already replaced the Radiator cap……..and radiator and air filter. Car is still overheating. Cant find the reason. Out of all of youtube nobody seems to know!!! Buying a new radiator cap was the first thing I did. It didnt fix the problem.
I got a 1995 Toyota im over heating on highway.Diving through city it’s good
Would be nice if the cooling system pressure testing video was linked in the description. 😢
Replaced, thermostat, radiator cap and after that didn't work, the radiator overflow tank itself, the water pump and still overheats. Next is heater core and radiator, ECT sensor. Hopefully 1 of those 3 will fix it.
Quick question Bro. When I start my [1998 Honda Accord 2.3 4 Cyl ] when cold, without radiator cap it blows water out like a quick throw up ,.Note: car over heats…What could be the issue. ?
And this comment is in regards to the tip about boiling your NEW thermostat. To verify it. Works.
Unless technology has advsnced or something. Ive both been told snd read in factory service manuals. That have all stated the same thing.
Boil it only to verify its faulty or needs replaced. Never boil a new one.
Basically once you boil it. To verify if it opens and shuts. It now must be rrplaced. Ive always followed this and never had it be in corerct. Ive also never encountered anyone. That can disprove it either. So. Ne ways.
Great video! I have a 90 integra resto mod project car. The engine going in it. Is from a 1998 honda orthia b20b 9.2:1 cr
I have a
CHAMPION 3 row. Aluminum radiator that came with its recommended radiator cap.
I didnt think to check this. Until watching yer video.
Should i compare the factory recommended psi rating on radiator cap with the aftermarket one. And make sure they are within compliance of each other and if not. I source one that meets engine coolant system recommendation. Correct?
What if your radiator is staying full but your reservoir is emptying but yet u have no leaks.. ..
headgasket replaced no oil pressure after that any reason why
Thank You Everybody for All that you are doing for our Planet Earth.. Peace Shalom Salam Namaste 🙏🏻 😊 🌈 ✌ ☮ ❤ 🕊
Also check to make sure there's no leaks in your expansion tank hose that leads to your radiator. This will also cause overheating.
I have a mini it's over here
Ford Mustang 4.6 1997. What if the radiator does not have a cap but only the reservoir?
i have to drain the over flow tank evrydy back to the miniumumlevel
i have 2 vans and i replaced the caps on both so cap is not a problem as i switch between the two and no change
have replaced water pump ,thermostat an radiator, the coolent flows into recovery tank but does not get pulled back into radiator when cooling down, used a hand pump to pressurize system and it leaked . i put k SEAL into system to see if it would seal the system it helpped but did not fix my problem no white smoke no water in oil . this is a dodge caravn 3.3 engine does not overheat unless radiator coolent level drops to low
am at a loss for what to do to fix this on my daughters van
Learned so much thanks a bunch !!!!
My car stays at 188 with the rad cap off and never boils over. Why? Thermostat, water pump and radiator all replaced.
I'm not a mechanic by any means but I've tinkered around for the last 35 years and I've never heard of this. Three years ago I replaced the thermostat and a few months ago I replaced the thermostat manifold and hoses connecting to it and each time that fixed the problem. Yesterday my Ford Explorer overheated and AC stopped working, I'm hoping this information you provided will solve this latest overheating issue. Thank you. I will update asap if this fixed the issue.
You were So right. Thank You. this video saved me time and money. I fretted I was needing to replace my thermostat. Thank you
Super thanks
This was a good video. A new cap can sure save you a lot of money.
Check the radiator for cold spots
Great video ,thanks buddy
it starts to overheat for 15 seconds then back to normal never passing the middle point of the temperature gauge,,fans work..replaced both sensors (fan and engine)