With razor-sharp hydrofoil catamarans that help them hit speeds of 60 miles an hour, the athletes of SailGP are pushing the limits of physics and human endurance. Claire Reilly goes out on the water to see the race in action.
Read the article on CNET:
0:00 – What is SailGP?
1:18 – SailGP’s F50 sailboat: What it is and how it’s built
2:37 – How hydrofoils work
3:49 – Team USA captain Jimmy Spithill
4:35 – F50 crew positions
5:45 – Team USA strategist CJ Perez
8:00 – The sound from an F50 hydrofoil
8:50 – F50 sailboat sensors and the data they collect
10:15 – The future of SailGP
10:50 – SailGP season 2 grand final results
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have AI control
this f@cking boats cut every whale in half,they run over,and they call themselves lover of the nature,pervert
While our world is falling apart, the middle class is being exterminated, billionaires are playing with their toys. Very nice toys, we agree. ⛵️
Did you know that vessels with underwater wings wer first invented and constructed in the USSR in 1960s. The name of inventor is Rostislav Alexeyev. Unfortunately, in 21 century Russia made nothing good…
Essentially a waterbound plane.
Really cool
@6:11 … "making sure we don't crash into any body" … "which has happened a lot this past season"
annnnnd her job is to stop the boat crashing into other boats … b.b.b.buuut the boat has crashed into other boats "a lot" this past season lol … sooooo, she's not doing her job right? at 18 years old, I wonder what her credentials are? awesome spot of such a young person, though hope she gets better at the job lol
Мне старичку 58 лет уже не угнаться за молодыми…
Правда я 99,9% объяснений на английском не понял. Догадывался по картинкам.
Но, всё равно понравилось!
Who invented the fully submerged foil can anybody tell me a company made 28 of them the only boat in the world that takes three gyros to operate these boats were made from 74 to 86
Imagine our ancestors seeing one of these boats wizz by. Crazy that its a relative new invention in human history.
It is not like f1 , f1 performance highly depends on what team has most tech, here it’s all skill
This is how much money you don't have.
I thought the point was to drain in the water. Just by a helicopter 🚁
Whoever has the best simulator wins. Let the prize go to whoever has the best engineers, coders, and mathematicians.
Here today, Gone today.
MENS STRENGTH! not human strength, we are the limit pushers in the arena of strength. Don't try to equality that.
Could container ships box be made to foil?
How reasonable would these designs be for cruising boats?? I’d love to redo the circumnav flying the trades doing the long ocean passages 8knots x 6!
I’m surprised the drug cartel doesn’t use these and have four in tandem then the coast guard would be thinking it was a race 😅….TEAM COLUMBIA
So its happened a lot that people have crashed into you….so your bad at your job
Instead of watching tv …so people that watch your channel and you …..you think of them as losers
Get the ESG dollars by inventing the DEI sixth 'strategist' sailors position smh
I never thought id be interested in something like this. Im here to say, im for it!
Побольше таких видео, хотя от куда взять столько времени
So cool. No surprise that the captain grew up soloing a Hobie 16. I wish the video showed longer clips instead cutting every three seconds. The boats are exciting enough without flashy editing!
what a cool sport!!
the female is the only one doing nothing in there :DD
I wish to see such a boat being built without modern tech. No CF composites, no industrial level stuff.
Taking the basic nature materials and trying to achieve as best of a result.
Any of these teams has the knowhow and the funds to spare on such a project i propose.
I'd love to see them using pacific island tribal level of materials or any other place for that matter, to create similar designs, or as best as possible according to the materials capabilities.
I wonder
Meanwhile French skippers solo sailing 15 t flying mutlis across Ocean without all the bragging of the brits and yankees can't retain.
Don't ALL hydrofoil boats "fly" above water?
Isn't that what makes them a hydrofoil boat?
Like a submersible submarine.
.. imagine you are a orca..
.. these hydrofoil yachts are a danger for orcas and whales.. these yachts are superfast and silent the keel swords and rudders are very dangerous for these animals.. i have seen a video of a racing yacht going very fast it hit something or someone with the keel or the rudder.. then the crew looked into the camera they sailed on they did not return to see if the hurt a orca or a whale.. very possible the orcas want to make us see this..
Nice 👍
How rich your parents need to be to allow you to join these kind of things (Hobby? Sport? Race?) at the age of 18?
That would be SOOOOOOOOO FUN?!
Awesome, but too much work. I'll get only when AI has start operating it and all I need to do be just connect a $30 controller and move easily and intuitively.
They sound like an airplane taking off. It's crazy.
Great boat. Great race. The course is braindead. The race seem like 8000 metres in length when it should be factors larger. Perhaps 100x larger. For context, the Indy 500 is 500 miles or ~800 kms so the SailGP course is 1% of the Indy 500. People will be dying in this race since the boats will collide a lot. Someone will be hit dead on by a hull at some point. Despite the strategist which is a highly sensible addition to the format.
I suppose its exciting to see boats neck and neck but shipping these boats around the world for what would be a 10 to 15 minute race. And finally what type of skill especially in reading the wind can happen in 15 minutes. It's dumb luck. And heres another race comparison the Bermudes 1000 is …… 1000 kms. Twice that of the Indy 500.
A decent trade off would be a course of 20 km to 25km in length and run it 10 times will keep it exciting and permit some changes in wind that sailors need to consider.
Otherwise love it.
I feel like the things are almost no longer boats. Crazy amount of technology