Dog has strangest reaction to tennis balls
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Go Ricky Go!!!❤❤❤…. Now there's a Happy fellow… DOGS RULE!
I didn't teach my dog To fetch, she would bring me her stuffed animals and I would play with Her but when I was done or at times I didn't Feel like playing i would throw it to get it away from me. And every time she would bring it back then, I got a ball and went outside the very 1st time I throw the ball She ran and got it and brought it straight back to me she was hooked! I mean you could play with that dog all day but You would give up Playing fetch Before she would. I miss her so much! ❤
I hope the neighbors downstairs are ok…
He's adorable! Very unique!
Ok this is cute. Never seen this before.
That’s a first for me. He should do exercise videos for overweight dogs!😂😂😂😂😂😂. Thanks for sharing.
Adorable. The dog is adorable too.
Good thing y'all don't live in an upstairs apartment.
I NEVER considered having a Lab until seeing what a COOL DOG Ricky is. A Field Lab, or American Lab ! Thanks for sharing how great your dog is.
This absolutely slays me!
Dream doggo
Ricky is a sweetheart ❤
Hilarious 🤣
Super wonderful best friend!!!!!! ❤❤❤
So cute❤
Dance Machine. He could dance battle Kevin Bacon..
I think of Bruce lee when he bounces lol
Ricky should meet Nala and her Dad Chris…now, that would be a show! They would have a great time together! Ricky is an awesome, handsome, intelligent, great boy!! ♥️🕺🕺🕺
2:16 people tell her to "feed him more". He has perfect physique, but many people don't know what a healthy dog looks like, because they overfeed their dogs. So many pets are overweight and don't get enough exercise and that is a bad and unhealthy combination. Of course, the exercise needs to be adjusted to the dog and its breed, but some exercise is always important and to not overfeed them. Please speak to your local vet and get your dog consistent healthy nutrition.
lol 🤣
I really hope you dance WITH him – there so much fun to be had! Come on let's Move it!!!
You are darn right he IS so special. He does that dance just for the joy of being alive and happy that he might get to play fetch. What a sweetheart!
He's a special kind of weird lols I love it ❤😂
Oh my goodness! So Sweet… He would probably love the iFetch Automatic Ball Launcher. They make two different models, one is for small breed dogs and the other is for large breed (large breed would choke on the small tennis balls). I posted a video of my sons dog "Lenny" playing with the iFetch. He is on his third one already from playing with it non-stop day and night!
I hope he doesn’t wear out his joints dancing but I loved it!
Hes sooo cool good job
😂😂😂Omg he is so adorable 🥰🥰🥰
He is amazing 🎉
OMG, his dancing-fetch is to die for! ❤❤❤
He is so cute, he reminds me of a toddler or a small child dancing. Never have I ever seen a dog do that. So cool. Thank you.
So cute! While he's hopping, his tail looks like a propeller.
LOVE IT‼️‼️‼️
He is so dang special ❤
Lol 😂 I recommend watching all the videos of dogs catching balls from those automatic ball throwing machines. Absolutely hilarious to see. They often do that dancing 😍
That dance is funny.
Haha..that is the cutest!! My Jack Russell used to do almost the same thing! Those tennis balls have great power 😂
Luckily there is no downstairs tenant.
He's really cute. He has no idea how happy he makes people by doing his happy dance. Good, good boi. ❤
Awwwww…….I love him! Lol
A friend of mine has a dog just like. Not the breed, but goes CRAZY with tennis balls, Larger balls, Heck, all toy ball. Too cool.
Part horse?
Such a personality 😅
He's adorable ❤❤❤
Thankyou ❤