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My system specs:
Intel i9-9900k@5,2GHz
Windows 10 Pro
My hardware:
Thrustmaster Boeing Yoke
WinWings Orion2/F16 Grip
Thrustmaster Pendular Pedals
Honeycomb Bravo Throttle
Hey Emanuel, do you know, what the maximum REV Thrust %N1 on the 737-800 is? 84% or higher?
Hey Emmanuel love the streams! Since you were a Ryanair pilot i would like to ask how you put together and say all your passenger announcements? This would bring a great level of immersion to do this in my own sim! Thanks🙏
The Allegiant at Edinburgh 😆. Gotta love Vatsim
which variants of the 777 are PMDG doing
24:55 Wow!!
love your streams – as i am always learning something new keep up the good work
Hello Emmanuel good stream again. Too bad the sim crashed again, I also had that a lot, but I guess we have to live with that. I think you handled it very well and calm, this crash. And you found a good solution. Perhaps the crash had something to do with you not updating GSX fully. Then on another topic: around 2:25 you defended your strong language around your frustrations of the VAT controllers in that earlier stream. And I agree that you have valid points and perhaps are just right on this topic. But for me personally, if you again listen to that stream, like from 1:40 – 2:05, you use curse words on a couple of occasions and also it is clear that you are angry. And the curse words for me are the most pitty. Perhaps understandable, and things like that happen to humans sometimes in life. But for me, it is a pitty, because you also have a young adience. And it is good to be strict to the VAT controllers, so that they improve. But if you are too angry while doing that, well that also does not help. Being strict and serious is good, and also towards VAT sim controllers, that makes it interesting, and that they take their role serious. But if you listen to 1:40 – 2:05 in that stream, perhaps it was just a little bit too much for just a 'flight simulator game' and young people who are playing VAT sim for fun. And I have been stressed out for the largest part of my life, I can know, believe me. But I have changed my ways, because I realized that you cannot be stressed out all the time in your life, because it is just not a good way to live your life as a human. Also it is not a good example for others, I realized. Anyway, thought I would again just explain my thinking a bit. Perhaps it is useful or not. Perhaps this is clarifying. Regardless, I am looking forward to your next content. You have a very good and informative channel. Perhaps even the best channel on flight simulation on YouTube I came across. Also because you are a real pilot, you can really notice the higher quality of information as opossed to the other channels, in my opinion. So I am only trying to help and perhaps improve your channel a bit with a comment like this, every now and then. Greetings Boudewijn
I’ve done this exact flight as cabin crew with Ryanair lots of times, it’s usually part of a 4 sector though.
Usually SDR and back then to CPH.
Never knew you were based here I would have loved to have bumped into you!
What a small world, sad to see you leave the company
can you share your simbrief profile for that aircraft with us?
Quel plaisir … in french => Merci, et encore merci pour cette générosité intarissable tant appréciée !
Hey driver👋 it can be cool if you show your settings and Colors parameter of the sim one day !!😊