Scared Pyrenees was too afraid to walk inside his foster home — watch what made him finally trust again 😭❤️
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Olaf using his gravitic noncompliance power.
Truly…. Unbelievable. Bless your heart, mom!♥️
Whilst you’re all giggling, he looks stressed and frightened.
I have two Pyrenees and mine so this all the time and they’ve never been mistreated. Lol! Love it!
The problem with The Dodo is the images are great but the sounds are awful.Those narcissistic females are the most annoying.
Amazing. But Lord plz get him GROOMED!! It's like seeing a Pimp Dog with a Fro & stylish fur coat frm the 1970's-! LOL
Great pyrenees.
Such a beautiful heartwarming video ❤
Beautiful just beautiful
I've never seen a dog personify nonviolent resistance quite like that 😮
Edited to add: She did really good with him. Now, if only people could muster that same degree of compassion and understanding for other people. Maybe one day…
I'm so glad that you are giving Olaf a loving home. Thank you and God bless you🙏💜
Wow!!! What a stupid display of "womanhood"!!! Hey, let's zoom in on a perfectly healthy dog and pretend that it needs rescued!!! Then, while we start to pick it up, we can reference an ambiguous "strong white male" who won't help!!!!… I'm sure that will help our cause!!!
So, I wrote this after 22 seconds of video!!! That is what I learned!! I truly have no desire to watch the other 4:00 minutes. I just can't stand stupid witches (for those of us counting, that should start with a B ) that portray themselves as powerful, independent women… they are the worst humans!!!.
Actually strong women are the most sexy women I've ever met, but they don't act like this Beeee-atch!!! They are confident in their womanhood, while strong in their beliefs… they can equal men while not trying to be one. God, I hope that continues!!!!!
Poor baby I bet his tail never wagged like that before, that’s why he was freaking out when his tail was moving side to side 🥲🥲🥲
Congrats on a remarkable job. Pyrrs are the best. We have an Olof, too. Seem aloof when doing their genetic jobs, but very sensitive & emotional.
Olof & his late mother were courageous enough to take on a stupid coyote who jumped a 6' fence into one of my horses' pens.
But do not get a Pyrr, please, unless you have a huge, well-fenced place & 3 years to devote to their training & maturity.
I have three of these beautiful dogs and only one of them ever wants to come in my house. The other two sleep with my goats or near my chicken house. They have each decided who to protect. Ester the hoomans, Rory the chimikens and Wallace the goats. They are incredible dogs and I adore them
I hate that this little boy was so afraid because of humans!! How is it that the same species that can have so much empathy and be so selfless can also be the most cruel and horrible species. Happy Olaf is in a good place now ❤
Olaf 😍😘🤩💖🌷⭐… Just adorable!!!
OMG ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ needed this today
Olaf is so adorable ❤
Yes, this is a Pyrenees for ya. They are not the easiest dogs to own, extremely headstrong and you must have tons of patience.
My ex GF's mom rehabbed a few dogs. I saw the transformation of them up close. It's amazing what can happen when the dogs are in a safe and loving environment.
Thats The Instigator he’s a famous social media influencer that is always stirring up trouble! 🤣
He's definitely some kind of great pyrenees mix. I've got a pure bred great pyrenees, and Olaf has a lot of the same characteristics.
Btw, my great pyrenees is named Kristoff, another character from frozen. He loves snow and ice, and has tried to play tag with a moose (I know that it's a reindeer in the movie). So I thought it was a fitting name.
Very heartwarming. Nice to see a little joy in this world.
The cleanest outside dog I've ever seen
"Is there a guy in that car? A strong man?" Wow, way to take a huge step back for feminists…
"To trust and love AGAIN ?" Poor Olaf probably NEVER had trust or love. Poor baby only knew fear and neglect. Great job !!! ❤
Thank u ❤🙏🏻🙏🏻
I hate to imagine what was done to that dog to make him so timid. I love watching him recover from that unimaginable fear, though. What a sweetie.
Wow! What a great thing! Thank you for your patience and saving him.😊
I had 2 Pyr's. Big,,,beautiful, cuddly,,and loved them. 8 yrs and i still miss them.
Maybe his previous owner his not allowed to go in the house.
He is so huggable. So glad you had patience with him and reaped the rewards!
Poor dog was abused so much…
You are a great person
How sweet
I had the loveliest chihuahua who had lived his whole 8.5 years as a breeder in a mill. He didn’t like: stairs, doors, snow, rain, and other small things. Watching him reclaim his soul was the greatest experience of my life. I studied all I could about dogs with PTSD and it helped so much. I fostered a few female mill survivors and they were much more wary of people—it took a week to get her to let me touch them, but my guy got wise to the bliss of petting and it was wonderful to enjoy watching him become demanding about gettin his belly rubs. He died after three years of happiness and his death unhinged me completely. I cried for years missing him, even though I still fostered and ultimately adopted a tripod Pomeranian. But my guy will always be in my heart and mind. Puppy mill dogs require a very different approach and I hope that now, ten years later, adopters are given specific tools for welcoming a mill dog, adjusted for gender, age, condition of the mill, etc. it looks like you’ve got what it takes and I salute you. He’s a lucky dog to have a whole set of siblings and a great human family. Enjoy your years with him. He’s going to be a different dog after a couple of years!m
Such a lovely rescue story !! Thank you for sharing !!❤