They chased him away, he suffered with a steel wire tighten around his neck but no one help!

They chased him away, he suffered with a steel wire tighten around his neck but no one help!
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They chased him away, he suffered with a steel wire tighten around his neck but no one help!

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Spe`cial thanks to: Alex Sirbu
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About the Author: Animal Rescue


  1. They are also living beings and know what is love, suffering, joy. Thank you for saving this Angel and for give him the chance to have a better life. God bless you all 🙏🐕🍀💕

  2. Cinste vouă dragilor cu suflet mare , că n-ați trecut nepăsători.Rusine acelui veterinar care azis, că nu poate ajuta,acesta nu se numeste medic veterinar.Bravo !Doamnei ,Doctor din acel oraș apropiat,care ia redat șansa la viață.Jos palaria în fața dânsei.🐕‍🦺👍🙏🫂🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🐕‍🦺😘

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