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I bet that one ol boy smells like raw sewage with 100 feet of unwashed hair. 😢
See what happens when you use your imagination
Where do you get the cloaking shield at I want one
Runner more than likely was injured by the pokie poke!😢
^^^ TIME HAS RUN OUT !! John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Don't ignore this message !! REPENT NOW !! God the Son – JESUS came in the flesh to die for sinners. TRUST that God raised JESUS from the dead !! By FAITH accept JESUS's blood alone as payment for your sins unto Salvation, to escape what's about to happen !! Don't say you were not warned !! ONLY true believers in JESUS will be suddenly taken. THEN comes 7 horrific years of God's JUDGEMENT, poured out on the world. I pray that the LORD will open your eyes and heart to the GOSPEL.
Yesss! Fresh videos! YouTube needs more traveller guys to keep it interesting. When he puts out a new video, I always see something I've never seen before. I
6:00 I bet them long A$$ dreadlocks smell like onions and train smoke
Man I positively LOVE your videos !! I wish you nothing but success and Godspeed !!
People Blessings Namaste
That's a dude rolling frying pans
You talk too much, I don't care for your talking while I am trying to watch the video. Thanks for ruining the video with your talking. Thanks but your extremely boring and monotone voice ruined the video. Copied videos here.
the lake looks like a giant foot print
Lol the 8 year old girl climbing the wall like she did is not hard. I used to do the same exact thing! It was especially easy if i had done something to get sticky and messy first. I was ALWAYS doing that as a child and people couldn't understand how but it was very easy actually. Lol
The Chinese protestors that move out of the way for the ambulance is very moving
The see through shield is just clever editing with a green shield lol. There is no way possible that it would let you see everything else behind it but you. You wouldn't be able to see the vehicles either. Not just the person lololol
I would REALLY love a logical explanation of how that guy dips his fingers in hot oil like that.. I'm betting that whatever he had on his fingers has something to do with it, but at the same time, it's only on his fingers and it just looks like the batter they use to fry.. even if that is protecting him, how the heck is the rest of his hand protected? All i know is that when i cook with oil, even just a tiny drip jumping out and landing on me stings so badly and leaves blisters at the very least! How is his hand not being cooked? Or at the very least burned even a little bit… maybe a combination of his pain tolerance, and maybe his hand has natural protection after being burned so often for so many years? Or maybe he's burned out so bad in the past that there are just no nerve endings to make it painful? Idk but either way it blows my mind. I heard other people saying that the oil just wasn't as hot as normal oil, but to that i say, THEN HOW IS IT FRYING THE FOOD!?!? if it's hot enough to fry food then it is already hot enough to burn tf out of you lol
Thank you for another great video Mr traveler guy! I ALWAYS look Forward to them. Best mystery channel imo. Even better than the impossible channel these days! Seriously!
That lake isn't big enough to have a monster in it lol
First time I've seen your channel. Awesome! New subscriber
💖 From Australia
Thanks so much, TG, for the new stories and content on your channel. You are the greatest for getting us new material to watch. Thanks
Pozdrowienia Podrozniku Wszystkiego Dobrego! 🐾
That's why you use two ropes when benching alone. Use your brain, too.
@5:52 mark: The Man who's got the longest hair. What makes human differ from the rest of the living specie on this planet is the Hair. It never stop growing, unlike animals. Animals with fur after trimming grow back to its normal length and stops. There are remote cases when a dead human when dug up from the grave was found out that the body haven't decompose totally and the hair and nails never stop growing. This happened twice in two different cemeteries in Cebu province, Philippines.
I love Saturday night at this channel. Thanks so much TG for entertaining us all . We never have a clue what you will show but it's always shocking, or weird .or scary but you never fail to find so much loads d entertainment.
thanks 4 sharing!
I love this channel
13:04 make her wear long pants, socks and a long sleeve shirt and see how she does.
her skin is just sticking to the ceramic tiles. better yet. let her dress that way again, but
put a little baby powder on her exposed skin. (not the face.) I'll bet she can't stick at any
height for any length of time.
12:05 they should've carried to the side. not the finish line. she didn't finish the race. she wasn't physically able to finish so she should be disqualified. otherwise anyone else running can say their ankle hurts. "carry me to the finish line!" or "I'm tired. carry me to the finish line."
9:23 just tell soldier and cops to aim for the square blurry spot. they'll never miss.
0:57, nephilim giant footprint 👣…👀
04:11 the individual support legs weren't attached to anything. the individual square shelf tops were just placed on top. not secured. the entire structure was nothing more than a freestanding pile of materials. it's no wonder it even stood this long.
1:16 anyone notice this lake looks like a human foot print?
10:40 that's one hand job I'm gonna have to refuse 😳