Families across Israel are facing the worst possible anguish after loved ones were taken hostage by Hamas and dragged into Gaza. NBC News’ Richard Engel shares some of their stories as the war rages on.
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#Israel #Hamas #Hostage
لم يعد يدهشني الاعلام الغربي حين يكذب بكل وقاحة.. ما يدهشني هو ان هناك للأسف الشديد الكثير من الناس لا زالوا يصدقونه ويثقون به
فكل ما يفعله افراد المقاومة الفلسطينية بالمحتل هو إرهاب وعدوان ، وان دخول الفلسطينيين الى أرضهم المحتلة عدوان وارهاب !!
وان ارتكاب اسرائيل كل جرائم الحرب في غزة وارتكاب المجازر في حق اصحاب الأرض دفاع شرعي !!! أنتم مسحورين ومخدرين… ينص القانون الدولي على حق اصحاب الارض المحتلة في مقاومة المحتل بكل الوسائل الشرعية الممكنة … وإدانة الإحتلال بكل صوره واشكاله 🙂 الاعلام الغربي في معظمه اعلام فاسد والجمهور معظمه مُضَلّل للأسف الشديد 😢 لم يعد يدهشني الاعلام الغربي حين يكذب بكل وقاحة. ما يدهشني هو ان هناك للأسف الشديد كثير من الناس لا زال يصدقه… "العراق لديها أسلحة دمار شامل، والعلم الأمريكي قبل ستين سنة رفرف على سطح القمر، وأن المقاومة الفلسطينية تقطع رؤوس الأطفال ويغتصبون النساء ولا ننسى ذلك القط الذي تحول إلى طفل متفحم ..
ولا ننسى حقيقة ان العرب يكرهون اسرائيل لأنها دولة يهودية وديمقراطية وليس لأنها مح
😢ya no son libresahira seros esclavis de estos malditos lokos aqui en México el saqueo no termina ay hambre analfabetismo y demas atrocidades ko su guerra sehur ellos dicen pero ay ordas de ge te akiadosfe jovenes qte matan asta ah su propia famila para carroñar sus vienes y eso no es México
لن ينعم اللصوص الصهاينة المحتلين للأرض
ليس لهم مكان على أرض سرقوها وقتلو اهلها
لا تبكي ايها اللص اللعين
There is a well known history that countries are willing to sacrifice their own for their own financial gains.
Aside from Israel making these allegations, how do we know it was Hamas and not Israelis themself who carried out this attack in order to warrant fully level genocide?
Serious question.
Anyone know where I can find a video of Hamas or link of them being confirmed or confirming they were the ones who committed this?
Hamás is a terrorist organisation that kills innocent people in a callous way. All they do is totally condemned. Civilian Palestinians liver under a terrorist dictatorship, who in the name of religion and hatred massacre innocents.
free palestin free palestin free palestine people
These western occupant terrorists are finally getting a cookie from their own dough.
A silly drama that makes the executioner a victim
I honestly don't feel bad for the daughter. She knowingly went out and party her life away in the midst of a war like its no big deal, that is simply stupidity. It's like people who still went out and party away in the height of covid like it didn't concern them and others, then cried and regretted on the verge of death bed.
When everyone feels sorry for Palestine ..this could have been your family..zero tolerance for Palestine and these Islam savages
This should show the p.o.v of a actual war, that ukraine money laundering is exactly that, n what a coincidence, waiste tons of money on a proxy war and than boom, an actual war breaks out with a country that crooked joe was doing business with, by giving 6billion dollars to them in a prisoner exchange that was done on 9/11/23 .. sorry too much coincidence add up to facts!
The west will build Christian Churchs and The chinese will build Buddist temple in Gaza.
Israel is indiscriminately bombing civilians and killing their own hostages they don't care nothing will stop their agenda to annex Palestine
Prayers to all of thr victims on both sides that have to endure the brutality of the Jews and the Arabs.
This story pains me so much. Her daughter and family, and the innocents on both sides are in my prayers.
Big brave Muslim can only attack defenceless women and children
Makannya idup jangan goblok
I want to ask everyone (Is this land Israeli or Palestinian?)
Os terroristas hamas então colhendo aquilo que tem plantado…Merecido, eu particularmente ainda acho que é a destruições deles ainda é muito pouco!!!
اللهم انصر الفلسطينين على اليهود المغتصبين لاراضهم اللهم انصرهم واكون معاهم وسدد رميتهم فانه لامغيث لهم غيرك ياارحم الراحمين
الصهاينة أكبر ارهابين في العالم بي رعاية الغرب الارهابي السفاح العنصوري الكاذب قد انتهاء أمركم موزييفي الحقائق الموة لي اليهود الإرهابيين قتلة الاطفال
اللعنه عليكم
Лицемерный Запад поддерживает нацистских сионистов. Убивать детей и сносить дома их жителей на оккупированной земле Палестины.
They are only talking about what Palestina did, but they just took revenge because of Israël there are a lot of dead people in Gaza 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Everyone who's for palestine
Ahhhhh ha ha ha ha haaaa
All indain🇮🇳 full support israel🇮🇱…. Plz god help israel😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Hahaha😂 😂😂 😂
Open your heart's eyes and see how many Palestinian victims were attacked by Israel, how many victims died and launched phosphorus bombs which were not permitted by the UN and destroyed the hospital, 40% of the victims were children, adults, 30% of the victims were elderly, 60%, where is humanity? Anya has a lot of drama acting and Scanrio producers to bring down Palestine
I can't stop thinking about the young lady with loads of blood on her down below area of her trousers, being led away by those horrible f***kers. Sick to death of innocent people being hurt, tortured or worst by so called 'holy men'. Whatever your religion – stop using different God's names to carry out vile and disgusting acts of evil. Frick you all who do that where ever you live in the world!