Our hearts are broken that these kittens were in this situation. We’re happy someone stopped to help and that we were able to take them in and give them a second chance.
Our hearts are broken that these kittens were in this situation. We’re happy someone stopped to help and that we were able to take them in and give them a second chance.
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Precious angel🙏💝🙏💝🙏💝
Sorry, but when she said a teenager I actually thought she meant the remaining a of a teenager 😐
We have to make sure pets are always given to a safe, loving, caring, family who actually cares about the little ones and their health and safety and happiness as well thank you so much for saving them
Im happy to see they were rescued and cared for. Only thing is I could not wash them in my sink. They were thoroughly dirty and that sink will need to be bleached for days
Happy someone found them…..they should be ready for nap nap time ❤
How did they fit the teenager in that box together with the kittens?
You saved their lives.
😢thank y’all for saving damn kittens 🐱 Life. God Bless y’all 🙏
I’ve had two cats that were abandoned on the side of the road. One has unfortunately run off but he was such a sweet little man during the time we had him. The other one is still in our house and she is the sweetest cat I’ve ever met, though she has a few health issues.
Thank you for finding these precios babies. God bless you
Poor babies!
Wicked human who this thanks for the humans who helped
You're a good person! I love ❤️ people like you! Be blessed for the rest of your life, and may you always get everything u want in life. Bless you for the rest of your life again; from Texas!
Thank God they were found b4 it was too late!!!!!🎉❤ ty!!!!😊
This video showcases both the best and worst of humanity.
Poor babies
Why wouldn’t they just take them to a vets office or an ASPCA- wtf!
If you’re going to abandon your pets, at least make it for that they can get out of wherever they are.
Actually, you should just give it back to the people at the shelter.
Poor Babies hope they find a nice home ❤
God Bless you 🙏 ❤
thank you for saving them and taking care of them ❤️
Not me thinking she said an actual teenager in the box
I kinda dislike people who find kittens on the side of the road and when they clean them up and put them for adoption
Don't believe animal rescue videos. It's probably fake to have you comment a lot.
I so glad you save them that why i am going to save animal
I don’t know this seems a bit suspicious. How often do people stop at the side of the road to check random boxes?
That's not a carrier. That is a fruit box taped shut so that the cats can't escape, ensuring a slow torturous death if not found. The perpetrator of this box and taping needs to find himself in an enclosed and small space, alive but not able to get out. And no one should find him!!!
Tf you mean a teenager inside?
Raw salmon for 4 days to a week kills worms & parasites & is safer than the regular dewormer from if if you feed them real low fat chicken rabbit meat with your organs skinbone as well added then I boost up their immune system and protects them from getting parasites and fleas processed foods that have gluten in it and even the processed foods eventually cause obesity heart disease kidney disease tumors cancer in cats just like a it does in humans eventually
I am suprised They Are Still Alive
And a teenager inside💀
For a cat to drink that much, must have been at least a full day without water. Some people are hearthless
Thank you for saving those beautiful fur babies. May karma hit the p.o.s. that dumped those beautiful fur babies 🤬
We just rescued 3 three month old kittens 5 days ago! They were malnourished, completely covered in fleas (also with flea dirt), and covered in cigarette smoke, poo, and urine from being locked in a pet carrier all jammed together! 🤬🤬🤬 The conditions people force on these sweet little angels always breaks my heart to say the very least! Animal Control won't help either, it makes me sick! 😭💔 I am so thankful to be able to save them! 🥺💙😇
By the time she said teenager that confused the heck outta me
You stole my cats name but it's a good name. Purrito…
Praise the Lord!
Poor babies.
This is my fear every time I see a bag or box on the ride of the road…
How can anyone do this?
This reminds me of one time whenever I was walking through a creek and someone literally through a box Into the creek. There were 5 kittens inside the Box. Don't know what happened to them after that. All you need to know is that I gave them to someone that likes kittens and usually gets them pretty good homes and after that I have no clue what happened. People who do this to cats or any animal in general are horrible people.
Thank you. God bless you always❤