Moment Israeli airstrike hits Gaza tower block after Hamas attack

Moment Israeli airstrike hits Gaza tower block after Hamas attack
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Israeli airstrikes destroyed a tower block in Gaza City after Hamas militants launched a rocket and air attack on Israel in the early hours of Saturday morning.
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The Israeli army launched Operation Iron Swords against Hamas in the Gaza Strip, with Israel’s president, Benjamin Netanyahu, saying the country, is ‘at war’.

Al Jazeera journalist Youmna El Sayed was reporting live from Gaza the moment the missile struck Palestine Tower behind her.

Sources in Gaza said at least 198 Palestinians were killed in the strikes

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  1. This is not an Israeli air strike. It is a controlled building demolition that took place a couple of years ago. Notice the smoke that comes up at the bottom left and how the building pancakes. Nothing from the sky hit it. Other "outlets" reported it as a Hamas air strike. Use your eyes and common sense and research things. This one is so blatantly obvious.

  2. NATO fund Israel and Israel fund Hamas. We are all pawns in the globalists' great game. The guardian just facilitates the blood letting via its journalists' ignorance and greed.

  3. Kinda weird they edited the original sound to make the missile strikes seems more tame?
    if you've heard the original clips, you'll understand.

  4. I think: The Arab world needs to unite and force Israel to return all land looted from the Palestinians. If they rob their land, they must hold territory. But such an outburst attack would easily be labeled terrorism and broken.

    They need to form a political party representing the nation to support with justice-loving people to fight for unity.

  5. Obviously the worst people here are Hamas.. BUT Israel's aimless siege of populated Gaza is horrifically careless! Hamas are a tiny minority of radicals in Gaza and all these innocent people getting blown up by Israel is only going to leave thousands of people in anger and despair – perfect for Hamas to recruit.

  6. So much HATE in the world isn't there? That's what all this boils down to is HATE. It's such a shame so many civilians who don't want this war are being killed.

  7. 70% of Gazans were born into that open-air prison. Half of Gaza are children. Israel is a rogue apartheid regime that has been ILLEGALY occupying/annexing Palestine for over half a century via US vetoes and worldwide propagated complacency…

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