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Is your passenger window not working when using the driver’s side switch in your 2018 Subaru?
Brendan shows us how to reset the window switch on a 2018 Subaru Impreza.
Reset steps:
-Turn ignition to “Accessory” (not the first click, the second with the dash lights on)
-Go over to passenger side door to press and hold window switch down for 4 seconds
-Pull and hold up until the window rolls up on passenger side
-Go back to Driver’s side and test it out the window functionality
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Thank you…
you're the man
Just a note to say THANK YOU!!!. Called my local dealer and they told me to bring it in as it could be they may need to replace switch etc.. works great now.
I already knew that, i'm a Subaru owner 😉 Au
My issue is that NEITHER side makes it work. Every video does not cover if the controls fail on both sides and it’s extremely frustrating.
Cars have become plastic, electronic gadgets. Nothing "Solid State" about them any longer…
You are a g ❤
My passenger side front window would go all the way down but will onlt go up about an inch at a time. To fix this, I had the car turned on, lowered the passenger side window a fraction of an inch, pulled the switch all the way up (whihc moved the window all the way up) and held the switch for about 10 seconds. Now the window rolls up and down perfectly and the auto powere works from both sides. I saw other videos that said to roll down the passenger window either all the way down or half way down, and then to roll it up with one switch movement. But my window would not roll up all the way and the reset did not work. By rolling it down only slightly, the up movement completely moved it up and the reset worked. Hope that you find this helpul for those that have the window only go up a little bit at a time.
I'm at my place in remote northern Canada. My battery died and this feature, that I use all the time to chitchat with my friends and neighbors along the road, stopped working. I also use this feature when going through the border as they often ask to open all the windows and pop the hatch. I was starging to get nervous. The manual for my 2018 Outback included instructions for initialization of automatic windows that I tried a dozen or more times. I finally did a google search and found this site. Your solution worked immediately and without further hassle. Why this isn't in the manual when it happens somewhat often disillusions me about Subies, though I keep buying them anyways.
Thanks man awesome video!
Perfect….I would have taken my Outback to the dealership for this quick fix. Much appreciated!!
Thanks. Skip to 2:07 sec
You legend!!!!!!!!!
It worked, but I think I had to hold the switch up rather than down, perhaps because the window goes down so quickly. 2019 Outback. It was the result of a dead battery and that event also caused the beeping from the rear door as if it were open. Disconnecting the battery fixed that, but not the passenger window.
Great! Thanks!!!
You are awesome. It solves my problem. Thank you!
Too much talkin get to the point
Thank you so much for the video, worked like a charm
Thank you!!!
thanks for this video,i was about to go to the dealer monday…it realy works!
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
My wife was freaking out after I changed the battery and the passenger window did not work. You Saved the day!
Didn’t work for my ‘16 Legacy.
Thank you for reading my mind about needing the dealer. All I needed was you! All fixed!
Thank you for this video. I just fixed mine 🙌
Thanks so much!!! Worked like a charm ✌🏼
it didnt work for my ‘18 legacy