Hamas and a smaller Islamic Jihad group claim to have taken more than 130 people hostage from inside Israel. Yoni Asher speaks about learning his family was kidnapped by Hamas through a social media video.
Read more: https://www.newsnationnow.com/world/war-in-israel/ap-hamas-fighters-storm-israeli-towns-in-surprise-attack-israel-responds-with-deadly-strikes-on-gaza/
#Israel #IsraeliWar #Gaza
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Too late bro….
You have to think before attacking Israel !!
Goodbye, Gaza❤😢😢
Islam MF's no one says about this
Hamas itself uses its citizens as shields in places so that they will harm them and then it will have something to film, people, don't believe so quickly, I have videos to send to anyone who wants and also of Palestinians staging themselves crying, I will send them for fun so that you don't believe like naive people
Io non riesco più ad credere che questi siano persone e neppure animali sarebbe un offesa… Putin a confronto sembra un gentiluomo…..non ho parole
And these things must be shown because they're so unbelievable
I don't think that Israelis would take children strip them down videotape them in their underwear and God only knows what traumas they've gone through and this will hold them for the rest of their lives. These children will fight these mental and emotional ghosts and I pray they we all pray they find peace of mind.
And they said Hamas want peace ? 😂😂
How can anyone celebrate this
The reporter says that these are Palestinian fighters and does not indicate that they are actually terrorists, murderers of children and women.
Lula friend Hamas
Bolsonaro friend Israel
Lula friend Hamas
Bolsonaro friend Israel
Lula friend Hamas
Bolsonaro friend Israel
Thank you for shearing this new cause we couldn't watch those videos in latinamerica.
I'll play the devil`s advocate . A group armed with basic weapons, a bulldozer and paragliders managed to train propably for months and breach one of most surveilled and armed places on the planet and in six hours they killed, rapped and kidnapped people on bikes and golf cars. They managed to exit without being caught.
IDF, one of the best armies and Mossad, maybe the best secret intelligence service didn't predict it. On the 50 anniversary of the Yom Kippur War.
Something smells bad here… Call me a tin foil hat…
Everything is documented
Things your heart can't stand
They raped and abused and burned people alive
0 commend my heart 😢😢😢😢😢old women young womens boys childrens manns is old women she need medicin is this hamas human??😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
The barbaric Palestinians from Gaza burned people alive, raped, beheaded! Babies kidnapped and now crying? They committed war crimes!🇺🇦❤️🇮🇱
Gut wrenching
Господь Исус я молю тебя прошу тебя зажишаи их ни одно оружие не будет против них
Let me remind you about the children who are bleeding and the innocent people who are dying in Palestine. Have you seen the girl who was crying bitterly after she saw her father killed in front of her eyes, or about the mother who collapsed after her son was killed?? They are dying because they are defending themselves, their homeland, their property, or have you forgotten whose land this is? It is the land of Palestine, whether you believe it or not. I can't believe that you were sad about his condition and not caring about the innocent Palestinians.
Bro trying to make palestine look bad when israel stared this Free palestine 🇵🇸 no one should deserve to die kids or adults
The suffering of the Jews in Palestine is nothing compared to the suffering of the Palestinians. They started and they must return to where they came from if they want their suffering to end.
They have usurped land that is not theirs and they must stop all of this. The problem with many people in Europe and America is that they do not know the roots of the conflict and ignore the rights of the Palestinian people.
The fact that people are "shocked" at this, and mistakenly think this is about a land struggle between Israel and "Palestine", is a testament to our schools' failure to teach history.
If anyone here is tempted to blame "colonization" or "Western colonialism" or, by extension, "Israeli occupation", I remind you that raids such as you see HERE were the reason why France (just to take an example of European colonization upon Muslim lands) invaded North Africa and wound up colonizing much of it in the early to mid-19th century — initially, to END THE PIRATIC DEPREDATIONS upon European coastal towns and shipping, where the European captives (men, women, and children) would be taken back to Algiers and Tunis, etc. and either sold into slavery or held for ransom. These depredations had been going on for more than a thousand years — since the Muslims overran the lands of the former Byzantine Empire (including North Africa, Spain, Sicily, etc.) and had learned to sail ships in the 8th century.
By the beginning of the 19th century, Muslim princes (called "beys") who owed nominal allegiance to the Ottoman sultan in Constantinople were making money from giving safe harbor to Muslim pirates and raiders who were engaged in kidnap for ransom as well as plundering as well as slave trafficking. This is what America's second war was about — a war launched by the Jefferson administration against the "Barbary States" of North Africa — a punitive expedition to get these beys to stop attacking American sailing ships and abducting American sailors.
What you're seeing here is a result of the OPPOSITE of European colonization — the RETREAT of Western power and a return to Muslim impunity in regard to their centuries-old war (really a proclivity to raid "the other", partly for profit) against the infidel — whether men, women, or children. They SOMETIMES show mercy on those who are willing to convert; usually they just treat their captives like animals.
Plz no hate and war against any children
Akal dan logika manusia goblok itu akan melihat sebalah mata tidak mencari berita terkait dengan baik dari kedua belah pihak… mana yang lebih kejam Israel lakukan atau hamas.. lihat nenek itu dia begitu tenang dan tidak merasakan apa-apa atau takut kerna dia merasa di perlakukan seperti layaknya manusia yang mulai anak anak ibu ibu tua masyarakat yang tidak berdosa bukan lah tujuan para mujahid Hamas… yang perlu di habisi adalah para meliter Israel yang telah membunuh orang yang tidak pernah berdosa… kami muslimin dunia yang berbeda negara tapi kami berpegang teguh kepada Allah SWT dan rasul-nya yang memberikan kemudahan dalam berpikir, dan kami memiliki negara yang tidak sama memiliki ragam bahasa budaya nya.. tapi kami di ajarkan Al-Quran jika berperang melawan penjajah untuk tidak membunuh orang sakit anak anak nenek nenek tua dan masyarakat sipil yang tidak berdosa… ingat itu wahay masyarakat kafir Israel dan para simpatisan nya… yang merusak dunia ini adalah para mahluk kafir simpatisan Israel Yahudi zonies…
Allahuakbar Allahuakbar Allahuakbar Allahuakbar ☝️🇮🇩🇮🇩 lanjutkan Hamas yang teroris itu Israel dan para sekutu bertopeng PBB bentukan barat … untuk melumpuhkan muslimin dunia…
Israel adalah teroris yang tidak memiliki tanah air 😅
Follow Al-Jazeera, Al-Arabiya, Al-Ghad, Al-Hadath and all the Arab channels, then judge what you see. You will see the complete truth without falsification and lies. Everything is broadcast live from the beginning. There is no power or strength except with God.
It literally breaks my heart 😢
I wish people would realize that we are a king pin in the world. We have the weakest, most corrupt leader, and look what’s happening.
ربنا ينتقم منكم كمان و كمان
ربنا يورينا فيكم عدله و انتقامه
OMG,by seeing all this video,im in pain,seeing suffer women children,please support only Isreal.