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I took scientists to a haunted house with @airrack to see if ghost hunting gear really works.
Shoutout to @Danny-Gonzalez for the title inspiration.
Thank you Louis Weisz and Alex Vartanov from the Weisz Taskforce for taking part in this experience. Check out more of the Weisz Taskforce on their channel or apply to be involved in their future videos.
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He tempered the ghost
The music box should be stationary in another room where you can hear it go off if you're in another room
I've been a paranormal investigator for over 20 years. I encourage you to go to a location that is abandoned with absolutely no electricity running through it. Try the same experiments
Arrack be feanin for some ghussy fr
You should def collab with Sam and Colby, they know way more about this kinda stuff then scientists
The Ghussy. 😂
Please could I have the ghost equipment if your finished with them 😅
If you wanna investigate truelly hit up Sam and Colby there the experts
Bro got the wrong emf reader
Bring the scientist to housa castle in translyvania its also called the gate to hell its the most haunted place on earth thousounds of people were sacrifieced and rituals took place there.
Go explore with @sam & colby
Those flashlights do work though lmao
The only real ghost in this video is the old scientist guy on the thumbnail 😂
I'd argue that the Flaslights are still kinda viable, as extreme temperature fluctuations are also a phenomenon that occurs in haunted locations
i think u should go to another haunted place and use spirit box music box rem pod some cat balls which i think are the best for ghost hunting and bring some ghost hunters some sam and colby
I’m pretty sure that some ghost hunters such as Twin Paranormal shut off the main power to the building/house they investigate when possible.
There's only 1 ghost 👻, Casper!
I’ve had one of my flashlights on for weeks in the exact same spot and it hasn’t turned on at all . I’ve had one night where it would react to me to a T an it’s all recorded other than that it stays not lit up so that’s capppp
Time for a collaboration with the boys
11:34, blud really caught the ghost lacking
Bro pinky promised us
I love Airrack's shrek crocs I have a pair too
Did anyone see that thing moving at the end of the bed while Eric and Tyler were sleeping
You should pay the electrical engineer to build you better equipment
Ghosts are real, but goddamn hard to prove it like God. We humans need scientific reason to accept as truth but it can be above science that we don't have proper knowledge to find them beings.
The ghost pu-
What a good ghost that keep their house so clean. I want a ghost like that.
this video was depressing
the what yu said about the flashlight not true the different temps turns off the light like what are talking about
why you keep the lights on and place the equipment dwn
Bro your channel is dead 💀
As a human I can confirm ghost exist. Though I shake not declare any info I have on said subject
Tyler sniff Your like sniff A brother to me 😭😭
at 13:42 is that a bed bug that jumps across the screen
0:12 wth….
bro you need to put the music box down and you can talk to ghost like say is there anyone there and they will walk infront of it goofy thats why its flat to go on a surface
you need to make more of these
yo i want an air up
More of a scientist than bill gats
AirUp is a scam, 1,8 stars out of 5 on thingtesting