Snow leopards are one of the world’s most elusive cats. Learn how these “mountain ghosts” are perfectly equipped to thrive in extreme, high-elevation habitats, and how they expertly hunt agile prey.
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Read more about Snow Leopard here:
Snow Leopards 101 | Nat Geo Wild
Nat Geo Wild
These rare, beautiful gray leopards live in the mountains of Central Asia and inhabit the highest altitude of any cat. To learn more, you can read on here: https://on.natgeo.com/2FZNCwi
If dangerous why friend shaped?
Vedere una creatura superlativa come il leopardo delle nevi ridotta a 1 tappeto mi va provare profondo ribrezzo verso quel tipo di genere umano. Save the animal!!! Free animal!!! Stop all'arroganza antropocentrica. From Italy
Pallas cats also live at high altitudes and can tolerate -40F temperatures, as well.
Great video! Thanks for sharing it. 👍
Wow! Absolutely stunning 🤍🩶🤎🖤
A too hungry leopard would likely fail a hunt. Afterwards, there may be an injured predator and and injured prey. Kinda pointless, and heartbreaking 😢
these are found in Himalayas of India.. truly majestic and beautiful.
"Ghost of the Mountains" is perfect because can you see it 0:06 at first sight easily? And it's stealth is amazing too
They were designed to be able to survive the elements. Our Grand Creator made them so beautiful ❤️
Snow Leopards Are My Cousins.
Bring them to the Sierra . I love them
Watching from Greece.hi everybody.
Interesting video about an incredible animal.
2:14 I've never seen a snow leopard chase down prey before. That was frickin majestic to see.
And an excellent tank
3:29 beauty 🖤
Snow leopards are very underrated
Nice lion😊😅😂❤😢
This cute kitty cat doesn’t even know it’s famous ☺️😍
Looks like a young Bam Margera.
Wow so cool
they are so beautiful
Wow! This is incredible. Very nicely captured. Nice information 👍
Tai Lung?
When majority of your footage is computer graphics and shared footage from the BBC Wildlife channel, you know they are understudied and elusive creatures. Actually adds to their mystique and cool factor a true stealth warrior.
What a wonderful animal!
They did Not adopt to anything and they never developed anything they were created that way,they’ve Been there since their creation
40F=40C????? There must have been a mistake there..
My favorite animal. Had the opportunity of doing tracking and telemetry some 30 years back
Beautiful leopard
They looks more orange under the sun
so 40 degrees Fahrenheit is also 40 degrees celsius? good to know
That's a long tail
Its sad to learn that every beautiful animal is subject to extinction.
oh no Tai Lung is at risk of extinction….
They are closer to Tigers in relation. So, a more accurate name would be Mountain Tiger.
Though I still prefer the name they have.
The most beautiful cat in the world 😍
Que hermosos. Bendita naturaleza, muchas gracias por informar, ojala no se extingan. Bendiciones