30 Brutal Moments When The Lion Is K.illed With Sharp Horns | Animal Fight

30 Brutal Moments When The Lion Is K.illed With Sharp Horns | Animal Fight
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30 Brutal Moments When The Lion Is K.illed With Sharp Horns | Animal Fight

We will feel the rigors of wild life when witnessing the fierce fight between lions and formidable prey in the wild.
From intense chases to tough confrontation moments
35 Terrifying Moment When Lion Was Killed With Sharp Horns
A fierce confrontation took place, the wildebeest used its horns to ram the lion continuously
The wildebeest reacted violently, causing the lion to run away in panic
However, the wildebeest did not give up, it still aggressively chased the lion
Suddenly encountering wildebeest, lions quickly chase and attack their prey
With the running power of the big wildebeest, the lion had to give up
the lion is preparing for the hunt, it is aiming for Sable antelope in the distance
The lion carefully approached its prey, observing Sable antelope’s every move
Sable antelope went to a dry river to drink water
Realizing the opportunity, the lion quickly rushes to attack the prey from behind
attacked, Sable antelope tries to poke the hunter with her horns
The sharp horns caused the lion pain and ran into the water
The hunt ended, the lion regretfully watched Sable antelope run away
Two lions were watching their prey on the hill, when suddenly a blesbuck rushed over
the two sides quickly rushed at each other, blesbuck lost his temper and jumped up and was caught by the lion
Poor blesbuck became the prey of the lions, two lions savagely devoured their prey
The lion is approaching its prey after spotting a herd of saber-horned antelopes feeding nearby
the saber-horned antelopes still calmly graze without knowing the presence of the hunter
lions hide behind bushes, watching their prey attentively
When the time came, the two lions quickly rushed to attack and control the saber-horned antelope
A tense chase takes place, kudu is trying to escape the lion’s chase
The kudu antelope is about 1.2m – 1.5m tall and weighs about 224kg – 356kg
it easily jumps over the top of the car to escape the lion’s attack
two lions trying to take down a Sable antelope
hunters control their prey, they begin to bite the Sable antelope’s hind legs
suddenly, Sable antelope rose to respond to the lion with her sharp horns
Although he was able to chase the lion away, Sable antelope was injured and could not walk
After a while, the lion continued to attack, Sable antelope used his curved horns to stab the opponent.
the lion is hunting, the hunter has aimed for the kudu herd in front
The leader of the kudu antelope is also very vigilant and observes its surroundings
The kudu antelopes realized the danger, they quickly ran away
Immediately the lion also accelerates to chase the prey
Although the kudu antelope is very large and strong, it still has to die under the claws of a lion
resting under a tree, the lions suddenly had to run away.

The video uses some cleverly edited footage for the purpose of showing the audience the possible outcomes for wild animals in the wild and is not intended to alter the facts.
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This research was conducted by: Dr. Amelia
Address: 7512 Oak Lane Suite 120, Springville, UT 84663
Geographic coordinates: 40.184185,-111.623613
Mother’s maiden name: Thompson
Date of birth: October 26th, 1978
Age: 44 years old.
The Gecko does not fully own the material compiled in this video. It belongs to individuals or organizations that deserve respect.
We use under: Copyright Disclaimer, Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976. “Fair Use” is permitted for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching. scholarships and research.
For any commercial/general/copyright inquiries
contact: www.imadjok18@gmail.com
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  1. Den "Tieren" , wird von Tag zu Tag immer mehr Lebensraum und Qualität genommen und wenn sie sich mal wehren, werden sie ohne Skrupel, Ermordet und Abgeschlachtet.Wir sind die schlimmsten Tiere und meinen der Kern von Mutter Erde zu sein, die Nr.1der Nahrungskette.Ich hoffe das , der Homosapiens, so schnell wie er gekommen ist, auch wieder Verschwindet.Mir ist schon bewusst, das auch alle die, die mir Nahe stehen, nicht mehr wären. Aber dafür lohnt es sich allemal und ich bin mir sicher das wir uns alle wiedersehen, unser Dasein, ist eh nur ein Wimpernschlag.

  2. Surprisingly, while lions are known for their ferocity, it's intriguing to note that their primary threats aren't just sharp horns.

  3. The wildebeest reacted violently, causing the lion to run away in panic.However, the wildebeest did not give up, it still aggressively chased the lion…

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