DRAMATIC FOOTAGE: Top 10 Natural Disasters Caught On Camera 2023
Global National’s Francis Silvaggio and crew were at the scene of an incredible mudslide at Johnsons Landing in British Columbia natural disasters.
Global News cameras were rolling the whole time to give you this amazing footage natural disasters.
You can see the crew got out of there only a few seconds before the disaster natural disasters.
Some huge logs, the waves almost catch the boat. imagine if they didn’t notice at the first place?
What are the most terrifying stories that you heard about when somebody experienced anxiety during some natural disasters?
WEWIN is a channel that aggregates storm moments, natural disasters and extreme weather moments caught on camera
In this compilation we will see some incredible clips of mother nature.
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Background music is used in the video by Kevin MacLeod, licensed under the Creative Commons – Attribution 4.0 License. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100879
Artist: http://incompetech.com
DRAMATIC FOOTAGE: Top 10 Natural Disasters Caught On Camera 2023
the speed and intensity of flash floods can make it difficult for people with disabilities or limited mobility to evacuate or seek shelter.
flash floods can be devastating for agriculture, destroying crops and causing food shortages.
the impacts of flash floods can be felt far beyond the immediate area, as businesses and supply chains may be disrupted.
flash floods can create a public health emergency, as standing water can lead to the spread of disease and illness.
the unpredictable nature of flash floods can create a sense of fear and uncertainty in affected communities, highlighting the need for effective communication and emergency management systems.
flash floods can cause extensive damage to roads and bridges, disrupting transportation and commerce.
the impact of flash floods can be felt for years after the event, as communities work to rebuild and recover from the damage.
From West Texas, we are now doing fine????????in natural disasters
Lots of plumbing fixes and power issues. It was like 70 degrees yesterday. I did see footage of a diesel hitting a train that exploded in a napalm kinda way but no one was hurt in that accident. Not even the truck driver..in natural disasters
It hit here In Memphis too , we was part of It too out water all did the same , It was on the newsin natural disasters
I live in east texas area, just catching up at work ; i work for a grocery store overnight just insanein natural disasters
Got to check out that new joint from Merkules and Upchurch "Monster"!in natural disasters
It matters not, how far away from the beach you get, it only matters how high above sea level you get your ass.in natural disasters
14:40 – L, that was the BASE CAMP that got the avalanche. The top of Mt Everest is far higher.in natural disasters
If you are ever at the beach and you see the shoreline slowly receding, and then proceeding further than usual, and then even further, then you look around you, find a hill, and you’ll run up that hill.in natural disasters
I live in San Diego, always aware of, waiting (and prepared) for that shoe to drop.in natural disasters
I was less than a Kilometer away from the Black Friday Tornado in Edmonton, Alberta in 1987…. an F4 a kilometer wide….in natural disasters
Hate to break it to you fam but Pyroclastic flows can go up to 430mph with temperatures exceeding 1300°F, Which is why most of the people in Pompeii were perfectly preserved in the positions they were in. Don't worry, at least it's a swift way to go.in natural disasters
When a meteor explodes, you might as well look to see it because you're not getting away.in natural disasters
Im from Paris, Texas and n '82 we had not 1, not 2 but 3 tornadoes at same time, it rip the town apartin natural disasters
We are definitely due for one and experts are looking at the Andreas Fault.in natural disasters
I was born the same day of Mt. St. Helens eruption. My mom was literally in labor when we learned of it. I've ev en got volcanic ash in my babybook!in natural disasters
That was base camp for climbers of Mt. Everest. Not for leisure camping.in natural disasters
I survived my saint Helens, first time I wore a mask!!!in natural disasters
Thank you for the prayer were slowly getting back to normal in texas with power and waterin natural disasters
the camp's on everest are for the climbers, it takes more than one day to climb the mountain so they need places to stop and rest along the wayin natural disasters
اولا … خصصو كل هاساعات ماتملون شيء يهم الكل cnn 🍉🤑
Only ever been in a hurricane, the one in Greece a few years back now.. that was enough. Luckily in the uk we have nothing but a windy day and some flooding now and then ?????in natural disasters