Alien Sea Creature Found: Phronima👽🔪 #animals

Alien Sea Creature Found: Phronima👽🔪 #animals
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Phronima Alien creature phronima amphipod phronima crustacean phronima alien queen alien animal queen alien real animal sea creature alien based on Phronima fronima alien caught alien creature caught catching alien creature catch alien creature alien creature caught deep ocean creatures deep sea amphipod sea creature alien caught


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About the Author: Nick SBF


  1. Basing movie monsters on real critters is always a good idea. The real ones provide an existing model to work with, and Earth has plenty of weird and sometimes frightening looking creatures. Even real types of plants have been used as movie monsters. Among these are triffids and tomatoes. The original triffid movie is better than the tomato movies. Yeah, I believe that they made a tomato monster movie sequel. They even made a rabbit monster movie. I think that it's called Night of the Lepus. Not sure, but I think Stuart Whitman was in it. There is even a movie with rock monsters called Monolith Monsters. Yes, I watch too many dumb monster movies, but they are related to disaster movies, and I'm a disaster movie addict.

  2. Just because it inspired aliens doesn’t mean it is an alien. An alien is a creature that does not originate from earth. Phronima on the other hand evolved right here on earth

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