MERRY EARLY CHRISTMAS! I wanted to give you guys upated in real time through the storm (and i have nothing else to do cuz …
MERRY EARLY CHRISTMAS! I wanted to give you guys upated in real time through the storm (and i have nothing else to do cuz …
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I'm genuinely surprised that big ounce doesn't sleep in your bed at night
Big ounce says please daddy don't leave me in here with these cringe individuals "! Beware they are dangerous! 😮😮😮
You sound like a Disney princess when you sped up your singing lol
Nooo the call ducks were my favorite :((((
I saw that you lived in Texas and I wondered how everyone did during it (I just now started watching all your oldies)
Like just because of Big Ounce"s yahooo
goot morning every bowdy.
Up North people with chickens and other smaller animals use 100w light bulbs, incandescent, as heat sources over cages. Now that 100w bulbs have benn banned cheap heat is impossible to find. But 100w light bulbs were the go to cheap heaters for small cages.
i have capybaras but so cute and baby and i havw 5 capybaras
10:05 CO2 would be Carbon Dioxide, my guy
" Hoooaaauugghhh! Biggerton Ouncerton! 🥹"
I love you, Ben.
Technoblade never dies
I wish I were those capybaras all cozy in the hay
25 degrees? 😂
Kevin's boiling rage with keep him warm throughout the coldest Winter.
4:18 I think Kevins rage alone kept him warm throughout the night
i love your animal names lol
Get a giraffe
Bro caught dababy lacking
Kevin will always wake up and choose violence. He doesn't even know he is locked in there. He sees Ben and knows he must destroy Ben. He cleared the itinerary for the entire day the moment he saw Ben. 😂
I thought big ounce slept in your bed. I can't believe you left him out in the cold with his wife and unborn child.
I live in Australia I've only seen snow once and never seen natural ice
I am bewildered by that ice
O my god I love techno blade the pig and the youtuber
9:26 his face is so cute😂😂😂
Forgot to say "big ounce…. freezes"
Aweeee technobladeeeee ❤️❤️I’m so glad people are still loving him and his legacy will never die <3
Big Ounce really likes you.
I've been binge watching your videos.. it's awesome what you do for these animals. If I am ever in Texas I'd love to visit and help out for the day 💗
8:36 Lol I had no idea Poggers' eyes literally glowed blue in the dark, something's happening on another plane of existence.
I really enjoy this channel, but something about the camera work gives me motion sickness.
4:54 i go to this place which has a cat who lives in the supports of the building, and once i had to go up where he lived and clean out all of the dead bird bodies that he had been collecting over the years 😭😭
This seems expensive. I’d love to know where you get all this money to do this