If you can’t even look at your pet when you leave for work in the morning, then imagine what it must have been like for these people to say goodbye to their animals for much longer…or even forever! They really didn’t know if they would ever see them again… But today we’re showing moments when all these animals reunited with their owners after years! This video is going to break your heart, but you’re definitely going to want to subscribe to this channel and get some more!
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no human owns an animal..get that out of your heads..we either keep them captive and force them to do tricks and labor or we are companions sharing a same space..least we can do is treat them right.
These big cats can literally fuck humans, that capuchin was also chiding back😂😂
Animals don’t discriminate they meant to be cared and loved for who they are ❤
Or that crocodiles don't purr it's chuffing
Genesis 1:26
Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
thats a moose…..
It didn’t take long 😢
All animals are way smarter than humans think they are. Humans are SO arrogant.👍
I had 2 cats. One of them was smart and would only allow a select few people to pet him and do anything else. VERY select few. Me and my siblings and a few family friends. No one else. It would walk away or hiss. Especially the later at (hyperactive) children. It wasnt that he was a mean cat but if he didnt like you he'd make it VERY clear. Initially when I went to live on my own i took him with me. Sadly he was an outdoor cat and didnt take well to living in an appartment. He hated it. He became lethargic and wouldnt eat. We tried for a year but he just became weaker and weaker. So I gave him back to my sister.
Sadly years later he got old and caught a kidney disease. The surgery was very expensive and my family didnt have that much money laying around. Aside from that it only had about a 30% chance to prolong his life by about a year and a half. Every time I visited my sister he would greet me more enthusiastically than the last time. Last time I met him he didnt greet me. He was too weak. My other cat ran to him as if to say: look, look, he's back again. He got up and greeted me as happily as he could. That night both cats made their way up to the guest room and cuddled up to me in bed. In the morning at the door of the room was my orange tabby, waiting, not meowing or asking for food like he always did. Just waiting, staring, as if he knew what had happened. However my grey tabby never woke up that morning. It was so bittersweet. 15 is quite old for a cat.
An animal's love is often so unconditional. Its a shame they often dont last as long as humans.
Everlasting love between human and beast, is beautiful.
"a woman who once acted as a surrogate mother for a little killer whale" using the term surrogate mother took me by suprise fr
I didnt think rhinos could sound like that
Caesar is adorable
judge judy one wasnt a divorce, the dog got out and that lady just kept it rather then trying to find the owner ❤
We humans are only the ones with no remembrance and affection towards others. People say some as animal hearts but the animals heart is more mature than us and the love i am crying literally man oh my god their love towards owners and friends is smtg greater than entire heaven
This is so cute after getting reunited 🥰
You know its difficult to enjoy emotional nonents when you keep skipping and summarising what happened with your words instead of showing us.
My lab when im gone for a few hours and its 5 minutes past dinner time
The boy with the dog actually made me cry
I went away for two weeks – my cat was found three miles away looking for me. When I got back he ignored me for six days.
They have no speech but have emotions and memory. Think of what you eat.
This told me one thing
Any animal can be pet if it likes you enough
My parrot died when i was 7 years old, now I'm 17….i still miss my parrot😢
This thing in court is not fair, our dog absolutely adores everyone in our family and she would immediately run out of my arms to greet my husband if she hasn't seen him in a while.
Animals give us lessons of true love..❤
So heartwarming!! ❤️💖
That camel one was out of pocket
I pity the fool who tries to rob the owner of that bigass crocodile.
One second clips? riveting.
5:45… Aw yes… the lion cubs….
14:00 …. Not an elk…
This is so cute I am fr crying 😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😢😢😢
I wish I will reunite with my beloved kitten but she didn't remember me but I hope she's a good mother cat.😢
Bro me a chicken ☠️
If you can make a CROCODILE PURR…
then you are already the GOAT. No need for anyone else to compete.
Minimize your narration please. It is annoying
i dont wanna cry.. i dont wanna cry… why i'm crying? 🥲 seriously those reunites are beautiful.
This dayss.. Animals are more like human and.. Human are more like animal