Funny Videos | Instant Regret | Fails Of The Week | Fail Compilation | Fails | RandomFails
Welcome to Fun Time I make meme videos and funny fail videos as well as comps of twitch clips. This video in particular is a girl fails compilation video, that I found in 2023. When I look for videos I try my best to find the most entertaining ones. I hope you enjoy this video. Subscribe if you like my videos 😀
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This video is for entertainment purposes only. My videos are not intended to bully/harass or offend anyone. The clips shown are funny, silly, they relieve stress and anxiety, create good vibes and make viewers laugh.
This video should not be taken seriously.
Do not perform any actions shown in this video!
This video is inspired by Failarmy
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Australians think they have freedom. 😂. Cop is out of line getting all aggressive.
3:11 what kind of car?
The way he fell back in 🫢🫡🤣🤣🤣🤣
This is why I love the US, only country that has free speech protection. You are allowed to curse in the US and its protected by law.
7:57 is that a framed Tshirt on the wall???
Time to nuke that country…
4:31 why is a baby driving a car???
He didn't even assist her in getting up. She made a horrible decision.
I love it so much when the hot rodder car muppets own themselves, especially when they're doing it on public roads/lots. It just brightens my day a little more.
0:34 yep, real “Christian” right there. I don’t know what’s worse: his lying and stealing or the idiots that give him money.
If my laughter were a currency, I'd be rich after watching this video
Not for 5 cents you don't!
Asian dude at the end should have finished her off with an uppercut to the chin
0:50…that right there..the perfect example of a truly humble servant of gawd….
Wow, that pastor talking about his house is a Trump clone, literally. Spray orange paint on his face and you won't see a difference.
5:05 why did she sound EXACTLY like that laughing meme guy?
And again at 6:58. lol
@7:53 you have the wrong Favre jersey.
@3:21 is actually pretty abusive. Why would you do that to your–or any–child? If you want the kid to trust you, and you kinda do, then don't do needlessly mean shit like that to the kid. You could have used that oppty to maybe teach him about toads and amphibians, and demonstrate how he can have a positive interaction with his environment. But you woke up and chose violence. But, hey, monetise don't empathise!
😂 there interviewing the cop and the guy screams BULL SHIT 😹 so Shibby 🌬 💨 😶🌫️
Hello. My channel has just made videos with funny, Most RIDICULOUS, Incredible Moments Caught on CCTV Camera. Please watch and give suggestions to the channel
🇵🇸 freedom for Palestine
I hope someone robs that disgusting flexing preacher. Jesus does not approve.
Under arrest for offensive language. There’s some dog shit countries out there :/
what did she said to her dad about pussy? 8:45
3:52 Crazy ghost prank.
Alright, who starched the dog?