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Video link to 🥊 ( k’hood vs carena ) https://x.com/thevoice4dappl/status/1713978463202230296?s=20
What Happned With Flo and FOE https://youtu.be/JJjYCKm2gOw?si=9WURDYR3JTVIwkqo
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Halle Bailey Caught By Paparazzi🤰🏼👶🏽 Revealed😳Crystal Has Message 4 K’Hood 🤬Jazz Respond 2 Badazzflo
BadazzFlo claim Carena “PUT HANDS” on him FIRST😳 Carena “GOES OFF”…‼️
Carena “GETS DR@GGED” on “VIDEO” by Flo’s FRIEND K HOOD and her CREW😳
Video link to 🥊 ( k'hood vs carena ) https://x.com/thevoice4dappl/status/1713978463202230296?s=20
0:00 intro
0:45 crystal message to k'hood
3:17 carena join the live with crystal
5:57 jaz responds to flo
I still don’t believe it for some reason🫤🤷🏽♀️ I just really feel like they would wait to start a family, marriage and all that first, idk I’m in denial 😭😭
Carena needs to go take a nap…it can't be EVERYBODY else n not u…u the only 1 getn GOT. Go sit down n heal. Ion have sympathy 4 ppl that wanna pop they shyt until they get popped in the mouth. I'm not taking up 4 nor condoning reckless behavior. Ain't NO WAY u supposed to take multiple azz whoopns n u ain't do shyt 2 cause it. As content creators u had 2 know somebody would be recording that interaction. It's giving sympathy clout ATP. It's giving ZERO lessons learned. Go lay…i was in a DV relationship, nobody knew, n i left…so SYMPATHY CLOUT
Everybody who stalked her and did the most trying to find out is weird AF! How about if you had suspicions, just wait til their announcement or when they tell it or when she can't hide it anymore. Like what tF is the big dam deal. Just wait and be happy for them or mind your dam business. I hate these vlogs. That's why they didn't announce it. But anybody who has kids knows when a woman that has always wore close fitting close of all kinds no matter when and where she was, is pregnant when their face gets a lil chunky or she wears all big garments…smh It's just sickening that ppl are stalking her to get the first peak to blast it…smh
That hailey must be sad that he got preggggy by broke fake rappper thats y his not proud being pregnant 😂😂😂😂😂
Mfs need to mind their business
Not a smart decision. We all look at it because people smile in the public and hold hands together and kiss each other. They're all in love, this is a lifelong decision. He's a kid and so is she they won't last.
That comment about the aloe after she confirmed her face was good was alil off it gave me pickin vibes call it what you want but if I say my face good what would be the need of saying that aloe did you good to me that was alil 😂😂😂😂😂idk nye 😂😂😂 idk idk just watch that lil part again 😅
Sis can finally take her clothes off wym so now she finna be preg and naked
However many hits she got in the girl LOST the fight regardless! Stop acting like she had a fcking chance!
I agree with Crystal on this one!
Crystal is just being a good friend defending her best friend. That’s what they’re supposed to do so I dont wanna see no one saying anything negative about her speaking on it. It is very flaw for them to beat that girl up after she has been through the ringer already with a guy. No matter if carena was talking junk what is fighting her going to prove??
This is not being caught it’s called being stalked 😂
Flo the next Jwright smh 🤦🏽♀️
They talking bout carena live with ha mama but they could of dropped everything they had and flow out to atl and see they friend
😢 I’m confused, all I’m seeing is Halle & DDG cracking jokes with each other laughing & giggling, buying Rolls Royce & new jewellery. Doing photo shoots with a flat stomach.
Her wiping makeup on his new suit and them & the photographers cracking. Then you go to the shade room & their own kind is putting them down.
First of all, Halle Bailey posted herself recently on Snapchat at the beach in a bikini and SHE HAD NO STOMACH! I wish yall would actually do your research if youre gonna feed into accusations
Yall LOVE to dig in the business of Black women just to find ways to pull them down. If folk had their own damn business…..👀👀👀
They definitely jumped Carena but why Crystal and them aint pull up when K said she was pulling up. Ps K is definitely hideous 😂
These YouTubers are weird …. Stop giving these ghetto kids clout send them back
I’m happy for Halle . The only thing I wish they would have let her announced it herself.
Carena to TUFF I don’t feel bad about K at all
I really hate pple 😂 and I'm reminded everyday …u gt jump so u plan a new jumpin😅 pple just dnt care about consequences
She saw sexy red take the lead & she followed 😂
I hope everyone goes as hard for Halle's project when she drops end of year
What is the obsession on whether she is pregnant or not! I hate this weird urge to put a woman’s personal business. If she isn’t pregnant let’s pray she doesn’t actually have infertility/self-esteem issues bc damn…
Can y’all leave them alone, like do y’all find it weird at all trying to be noisy in people’s business or space like
Crystal is so rachet. Where is her child?
Man Ian gone lie what Khood did was lame asf