some fresh NDE’s brought to you by the internet
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Thanks for watching, liking and sharing. I appreciate ya!
1:33 Possible Narcolepsy?
Four Locos are still sold here in Las Vegas, up to 14%.
People are Coo-coo . Remember when kids would record themselves on the family Beta/VHS camera wrestling with their friends in the yard ? They said that was the craziest thing……, if we only knew ? 🤨🤔
four loookkoooooooos hahahaha
In the Cessna video it looks like the cargo door broke off and hit the rear wing.
Drop some Jolly Ranchers in a Zima=drinkable. What you guys are talking about with Four Lokos, in the south we used pure Appalachian white lightening (when we could) or Everclear 190 to make our "PJ" (Party Juice) in an old Coleman cooler our alcoholic uncle handed down to us 😂. Y'all are hilarious, keep up the awesome content! 🍻
“If it’s black fight back- if it’s brown lay down- if it’s white… you’re FUCKED. 😂😂😂 grizzly bears are gangsters but Polar bears… are assassins.
Four loco was the dimetap of adults. 😂
Fun fact- there has been ZERO documented cases of Orcas killing a human in the wild- only in captivity.
"All bears are scary." Nah, I have literally chased bears a few times.
good to know everyone with spaced ears calls it ear cheese lmao
Another long last beverage is Red Dog beer.
even that bear was like "that mofo is crazy"
For lokos are everywhere homie and trust me kids still ve winding up In the hospital because of them lol
You do not fall and land in sitting position, you should land flat on back.
I loved how that boy just waved 😮
I call it ear cheese too!!!! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
As the sister of an epileptic who just got cleared to be able to drive… that first video is my nightmare
Guy in mustang had seizure
That mustang saved him
Hell yeah! F*** that bear!! That was sick!
4 lokos make me cry for some reason 😂
That poor bear. That idiot was in its territory.
I have seizures but I am lucky and have about 20sec to stop whatever I'm doing and get in a safe position.
Long lost drink OK SODA! not alcohol but still very long very much lost
I would guess the driver of the mystang was having a seizure. I actually have a friend who had a seizure in a drive thru, foot slammed the gas to the floor. He went theough a fence at the end of the drive thru and stopped against a metal pole.
Zima was nasty shit. You'd get hammered, but end up with a nasty stomach ache the entire time because you could drink so many, and being drunk you kept drinking and didnt realize how much sugar you were basically main lining! Not sure what was else was in it, but it wasnt pleasant regarding the day after dump either!~ Explosive d! It was basically a nastier/grosser variant of mike hard lemonade.
If it's brown stay on the ground
If it's black fight back
If it's white stay out of sight or say good night
That bear part was kinda funny ngl😂.
Green apple watermelon exc
Here in Florida we still have four lokos 14.5 percent 12 and 13
This is Great and fun to watch 👍 I thought from some of the ones I saw advertised that you kinda picked on ladies. I was wrong you and your wife are really fun to watch ❤ Great job 👍
only 6 months? Wow thats really low. In my country it's 2 years without taking medicine. If you are 2 years seizure free, but are still on medication for it, you're still not allowed to drive. Unless you have approval from a neurologist, then you are allowed to drive even on medication ( provided ofc you are at least 2 years seizure free)……btw; there are 0 records of orca attacks on humans in the wild…quite the opposite even. The only orca on human attacks have been with orca's in captivity. So an orca swimming towards you in the wild is not nearly as scary as say a big shark. I would not willingly swim with them; just in case they want to play with you under water and keep you there and accidently drown you. But the chances of them wanting to eat you are pretty much 0%.
You NEVER run. Bears max out at 35mph man.
The guy who fell asleep in the car had just set the cruise control. That is why the car kept up its speed.
Shamu actually killed 3 people
the dude did hand to hand combat with a bear and won!!!!!!!!!!!???????? RESPECT !!!!
That killer whale was small
IT WAS FAKE. you can see that there is no hight speed wind hitting the people near by
That was the right side door.
The thing on the planes tail was the door that came off.
Never had the chance to try Zima. Never had enough of a death wish to try 4 Loco.
Bear rhyme for Gi-Gi; If its brown, lay down. If its black, fight back. If its white, good night.
On the plane looks like the rear door blew out and hit the tail.
C-130 rolling down the strip 64 troopers on a one-way trip Mission top secret Destination Unknown they don't know if their coming home C-130 on the taxiway Airborne gonna jump today stand up a hook up Shuffle to the door jump right out and count to four if that main don't open wide I got a reserve by my side if that one should fail me to Look Out Below cuz I'm coming through tell my sergeant I did my best pin my wings up on my chest
I wish someone had TRANQ'ED that SCUMBAG in the Warsaw zoo after he went into the moat! One less drunken D-BAG in the world! "OOPS… I was aiming for the BEAR! REALLY!". PEOPLE SUCK! 🤬🤬🤬
Fourloko does not taste like juice. It tastes like soot and poo. I’m glad they removed it, but it came back sans the caffeine.