12 Animal Encounters That Went Horribly Wrong
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12: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujaPa03VSTU&t=0s
11: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udlkCtwvKQQ&t=0s
10: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXLRkezJ7L0&t=0s
9: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSiWqu28UFk&t=0s
8: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSHZtKMRtD0&t=0s
7: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjCp65Iyklc&t=0s
6: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLiutq1r8dg&t=0s
5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Koo6zpj5-WE&t=0s
4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzIwrU442k0&t=0s
3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o26a1whIBYE&t=0s
2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAi-clkWoSQ&t=0s
1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3V7p23bJII&t=0s
Here’s a compilation video full of scary animal encounters, attacks, charges and interactions. You will watch tourists and other innocent people come across wild animals like bears, sharks, tigers, hippos, crocodiles, alligators, anacondas (snakes), mountain lions (cougars) and more.
In this video, we show a variety of animal encounter clips from rhino charges, elephant attacks, bear luff charges, cheetah close calls, sharg cage diving clips and more.
Luckily, these interactions in between humans and wildlife were caught on camera for the world to see. The outdoors can definitely be a chilling place for hikers, campers, hunters and mountain bikers if you don’t come prepared and armed with a gun/rifle or bear spray.
Background music by CO.AG Music, Marc v/d Meulen (bandcamp.com) and Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
DISCLAIMER: All materials in these videos are used for entertainment purposes and fall within the guidelines of fair use. No copyright infringement intended. If you are, or represent, the copyright owner of materials used in this video, and have an issue with the use of said material, please send an email to clawsforbusiness@gmail.com.
Im a little mad bc the last clip of a bear was very mean bc the bear was hurt
Oh my god that is extreme
I stay out of the jungle, the water and the woods.
The last bear looked like it was favoring one of its front paws. It wouldn't put weight on it.
😂 not for the weak 😂
😂 father said prepare for a good show get your popcorn and of course some beer 😂
Love the vids 🤗🧑🔬
Nothing happened in this video
What’s gone wrong no blood nothing, this is bullshit. Nothing went wrong just a lot of lucky people.
City people need to stay the fuck outta our woods. Us people who live in bear country know how to respect wildlife.
The shark that attacked the cage just wanted to be in the video that’s all🦈
Once me my mom and my at the time gf we're hiking in TN looking for a ghost town and while hiking up a hill I heard a large cracking noise so we turned around to find another way and about two minutes later three black bear cubs walk past us like two feet Infront of us like we weren't even there that's when I realized what the noise behind us was and before I could say let's get the fuck out of here my mother screams " oh my god they're so cute!" …..
thumbnail not part of the video, i disliked
Innocent.. Stupid tourist if you may say it correctly. It's the thing with Sundarbans tigers.. They just don't leave ya easily.
Thats a scary🐻
Not a single incident went "horribly wrong". This is some really boring shit. Some stupid humans, that's it. This video sucked.
The narrator talks like all the wildlife is evil and bloodthirsty, but every clip is of humans invading their territory and messing with them. What do you expect to happen?!
The girls feeding the smaller sharks making noises like calling a damn squirrel over. So stupid!
Pooe kitty kitty
#1's bear appears to be limping, unexplainably.
I cant watch this video….the narrator sucks!
Classic Florida Man. 😂
Imagine being on a safari and you floor it trying to get away from a tiger and yall hit a bump and crash out. Yall risking too much for a little adventure like it’s dumb 😂
That child laughing at the BEAR being shot is very disturbing.
Innocent tourists.. there is NO such thing!
I got mad when a child was laughing because a bear was shot with a tranquillizer. What kind of parents does he/she have?
Sooo annoying with the stupid commentary…
genuine question what would happen if u hit a grizzly bear with a metal baseball bat full power while it was tryna attack u
Thus is the cornuest commentary I've ever heard haha entertaining though
I would have punched that white shark on the nose, just to assert dominance.
It’s hard to have sympathy for people that do such dumb things!!
If my dog chases a predator…well he will be chasing a predator. I'm saving my own ass….my dog sees me run, he runs…
bro the last one the child started luaughing when the bear got shot-
11:57 got fcken omen in the back for a son Don't ya ma 🤣🤣🤣
As soon as the shark 🦈 bit the cage at like 1 min and 49 seconds in youtube gave me an add. Like seriously youtube stop ✋️ 🙄
It's 2023 and theirs been new animals found again that went away long time ago sea 🌊 creatures Whales 🐋🐳 sharks 🦈 Nd other animals have evolved and started communicating and plotting to attack I'm fully convinced animals are taking over. Or ppl are just dumb asf ND need ta stop saying ayo look a big ass creature that could kill everyone around me for a joke let's take a pic 📸 🤦
you should change your title! clickbait
He's paddle boarding in 8 not surfing. Nonetheless very interesting video 👍
Ranger Smith there didn't have a tranquilizer gun, that was a 12 gauge, likely with rubber bullets to protect it from stupid people.
some people are so stupid when it comes to wild animals..
Tiger camera shy! PERIOD
WOW! That guy got VERY lucky w that croc!